Sunday, 27 May 2012
Stupid poses boys do
I just had to share this with you guys because it had me LOL-ing all day. I already told you about men having funny avi's in a previous post but they say pictures speak a thousand listen...
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
My Happy born day
So on Friday was the eve of my birthday. I
know am too old to make a big deal out of a birthday but I was secretly hoping
that it doesn’t go unceremoniously like it has for the last few years. Just as
I was biting my nails (I know it’s a gross habit) thinking of how it would be,
@fuegocassey enters and surprises me with gifts.
Just as I was about to open them, she adds
a twist to it. Trust her to make life a little interesting. I was to open it on
my birthday! Imagine that! Unfortunately I was able to notice that one of the
gifts was edible...CAKE.
By midnight it was all eaten, I cheated...well kinda
because the other gift wasn’t opened until Saturday morning. But I would be
lying if I didn’t say that curiosity almost got the better of me. I was shaking
it, tried to put some magnet next to it to see if the gift was metallic but
The gift ended up being what I hoped it
would be and more although I still do not know how to use it seeing as the
instructions are given in French. The only French I know is voule vouz couche
avec toi (told you my mind is the gutter) I will be damned if I go to France
and get me a Monsieur and I don’t know how to ask for some milk in my
The next morning, that is Saturday; as
usual Kenya power did their thing and cut off power supply. I mean it was not
like it was my birthday or anything! Luckily I got round to reading my book of
the month “Things can only get better” by John O’Farrell whose other book I
reviewed in a previous post.
Although it’s about politics it’s hilarious as hell, I think I just found my new favourite writer. The whole book is a chronicle of the 18 miserable years he has spent supporting the labour party in Britain. I will do a review of the book as soon as I finish.
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Isn't that the most cutest angry boy you have ever seen? |
Although it’s about politics it’s hilarious as hell, I think I just found my new favourite writer. The whole book is a chronicle of the 18 miserable years he has spent supporting the labour party in Britain. I will do a review of the book as soon as I finish.
Fast forward to the evening; I was at the
stand where I buy mutura to spoil my
self once in a while. I have tried to stop this habit because the mutura seems to be going straight to my
hips. I remember there was one interview when Amani was asked a couple of
questions and she said she likes making plans/resolutions on her birthday and I
thought it was cool. It’s more personal than making plans with the rest of the
world on New Years. So my new plan is to stop taking too much meat and over
salting my food because I’m just a few years away from osteoporosis. I tried to
get my brothers support and he tells me that he did not make it all the way up
the food chain to eat plants. OUCH! Apparently according to men you are looser
if you don’t eat meat. Like the John O’Farrell’s book he says how he was
working in some construction site after clearing school, the men there thought
he was dumb for being vegetarian and treated him differently. I guess every time
dudes eat nyama their cojones grows bigger huh?
So am standing there in a hoodie so that no
one sees me then my brother sends me a text, Do not cook dinner. I go back to
the house sit and he comes in at 9pm to a very hungry woman. He brought
chicken! Now I guess my resolution will have to wait until next year. You see
if I know am going to loose a battle, I don’t even start. I love myself too
much! You call it weakness; I call it self- preservation!
I over-indulged in some junk food as we
played the guitar (ok he played the guitar as I attempted to sing my lungs out).
I had forgotten what a riot my brother is. Growing up we were inseparable as we
are one year apart in age. But school and work made us disconnect at some point
but now am glad because he has grown to be a very responsible young man.
Although am not so sure about the weird stories he tells me all the time. I
think he should be a writer because he comes up with the most bizarre Alice in
Wonderland stories and swears they are true all the time. Like this time ati
his buddy (am pretty sure it was was dating this lady with a shady
past. So this day they were walking along the street then some dude comes up to
them and b*tch slaps her across the cheek smack in the middle of town. Before
he could even lambaste the stranger, he quickly walked away. The chiq never
protested or cried. Apparently she had taken the man’s money but never gave up
the goods. I didn’t laugh because the story was funny, but because my brother
was telling me the story with a straight face. This is the stuff which I only
see in movies.
Anyway I got to listen to some of the music
he is into (It’s also another bad habit I have, going through peoples music
collection! Fuelled by Ross’ book ‘PS –
I scored the bridesmaids’) Although am not into jazz I liked his Kirk Whalum, Kevin
Whalum, Isaac Mugunda, Jonathan butler, George Benson, Paul Jackson Jr. collection
and the others like Carlos Santana, John Mayer, George Benson, Juma tutu band,
plus Kidum. Then there is Deitrick
Haddon, Adawnage band and Eric wanaina’s ‘Love and protest” album. In Eric
Wanaina’s Album I loved the ‘Mariana” song the best.
The ladies too, Christina shusho, Eunice
njeri , Alice Kamande (these mama’s are fine, the Lord has really been good to - am guessing that’s why he listens to them- more like watch them).
Jazz music wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t
do the corny stuff like make cum-faces when they do dub-a-dub-a-duba-durum-diri-doob-doob-doob
... and those other funny incoherent sounds as they “sing”. My brother mostly
listens to these songs to perfect his guitar playing, no wonder he never
notices these things.
And good ol’ Carlos Santana, I have over the years
appreciated his music mostly collabo’s with other singers like Dido, Seal,
Product GnB (where did they go btw?) and Singer Musiq but I didn’t know he is
one of the best guitar players on earth. I just wished he had a stylist; he
wears over sized “Hawaii” shirts and funny shoes. But I respect the fact that
he is never fazed by the scantily clad chiqs in the music videos, he is always
hard on his guitar (as in playing it with dedication- forgive the pun).
It was also fun watching Jonathan Butler
play his guitar with his left hand. How do you even learn to play the guitar
that is designed for right handed people? At first I thought he was playing his
guitar upside down. And bro decided to lay on some information on me.
Apparently singers have bigger lungs than the average human beings! Never knew
that! No wonder they normally have big upper bodies, and here I am thinking
they are always hard at work on their abs in the gym.
After he turned in I got out my CSI series.
I never get tired of them- drives my siblings insane. They do not get why I
watch them over and over. In College I used to think it was corny when Horatio
said something profound while tilting his head then moving away from the camera’s
view to give the words a few minutes to marinate. Now when I watch it all over again, I kinda love it. And the theme music...
...Out here in the field,
I fought for my meals,
I get my back into my
I don’t need to fight to
prove am right,
I don’t need to be forgiven
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
After TrueBlood’s tv series theme music this is my next favourite.
Anyway this is just a recap of my birfday. I think it is going to be a good year, I can feel it in me
Friday, 18 May 2012
Darn it, He broke me
So last night I had this dream...wait don’t
close the tab, it’s pretty interesting.
the dream I was laying in a field of grass then all of a sudden some bees got
into my ears. I run around screaming for help but there was no one. Honey then started
coming out of both of my ears. Some weird people got wind of the story and came
out of nowhere then kidnapped me. They took me to some foreign lands where they
put me in front of people who were paying to see me.
quickly woke up sweating buckets with my heart beating so fast I thought I
would die. I kept poking around with the ear buds to make sure it was just a
dream. There was no way I was going back to sleep so I switched on the T.V and
what do you know BBC, Aljazeera and CNN were all airing the FB IPO thingy. It’s
like the whole world is so stoked about FB debuting in the trading arena. Then
some dude called dick was being interviewed, some country with a party called
FARC was being featured tihihihi
(My mind is not in the gutter, my mind is the
We all know how it has been raining all
over the country with scores of property and lives lost in the process due to
flooding. My creative neighbour has decided to cover his clothes with some huge
transparent polythene paper to shield his precious laundry from the rains.
After many days of coming home from work after beating the traffic and finding
his clothes dripping wet, he decided to come up with this ingenious idea.
I noticed this as I was on my way to print
yet another application letter, which probably some human resources manager is
going to shred or use as a coaster. Since I do not have a personal printer I’m
forced to do it at this shop which offers printing services a few blocks from
our building. The owner of the shop is a very fine young man. Now I know for
sure that God has favourites. He has everything. If i was to use the word swag,
I would say he got it. But I won’t use it. I swear if you squint kidogo he looks like a
mix of Aldis Hodge and Lance gross. I would be lying if I didn’t say that the
thought of putting him on the counter and spreading him like butter hasn’t
crossed my mind. Where are the talent scouts when you need them? This dude
should be on the cover of GQ, FHM magazine or something already! I know most of
my posts are always all Alice in wonderland but I kid you not, that boy is
fiiiiiine! I would take pictures of him but I don’t want him to get a
restraining order on me.
Every time I go there I find young girls
and even grown a** women shamelessly flirting with him. I on the other hand keep
it strictly professional and avoid chewing the fat with him. Whenever I go
there I make sure to give him a frosty look and speak to him brusquely. It’s
obvious that every one has fallen for his charms, so I took it upon my self to
be that girl who would not fall for his nice teeth and beautiful smile. Growing
up in the village, you get used to getting whistles and catcalls from the boys
sitting kwa the mung’etho base. Now thanks to that experience I have developed a
great poker face and can easily mask my emotions.
He already has me bathing every time I
leave the house and dressing better since his shop is on my way to the
supermarket. I miss the days when I could go out freely in my headscarf and Baygone
or western union branded T-shirts and some shorts. He just had to put his shop
smack in the middle of my way and bewitch me with his smile looking all
debonair in his fine clothes mschew!!!
it has become a sort of a game which of course I win all the time as MCdreamy
is not even aware he is in it. I wanted to see how long I can stay before warming
up to him. He is going to work harer than that if he hopes to see my yellowing
buck teeth. You know those games you normally play in your head (or it’s just
me?) Like how you step out of the matatu
in a traffic jam and try to outrun it so that you do not regret alighting
before you reach your destination because of impatience. Or how you give your
self a certain number of minutes to reach some building in town to see how fast
you are. Or how you make a kamikaze dash in the supermarkets to try and exit
via the entrance side just to annoy the soja.
BTW Back in the village I was able to do this so many times as the guards as
not as strict but here in *whistle* soja is alert vibaya. But one of these days I will break
this record, you just wait.
So today when I got there I pretended to be
looking at the computer while covertly looking at him. Oh the things he does to
me! I suspect that Mcdreamy has also started playing games with me too. He is
trying to get me to make small talk but so far he hasn’t been able to.
So there I was sitting fiddling with the
mouse with sweaty palms, then this mother walks in with this small cute boy no
more than 5 years old. Then what does Mcdreamy do? He sends the kid to ask me
my name. So the kid walks to me and asks me “aunty unaitwa nani?” then I tell him. Then out of nowhere he asks
me “na wewe ni years old ngapi”. This
last question just got me and I just went into fits of laughter complete with a
little snorting. People in the shop were so pissed and kept giving me dirty
looks. I laughed so hard I cried and almost wet m’self. That small boy broke
me. Why do kids have to be so darn cute? Now I know why Jesus said “let the
children come to me”. They just have this way of disarming people with their
innocence. Now I have to change shop and find someone else to “play”
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Dear men, this is how you improve your profile on social networks
I am not really a big believer on finding
love on fb or the internet for that matter. It’s not so much about the stigma
surrounding the thought of looking for love in cyberspace but mostly because it
is really hard to get to know who someone really is. On the other hand fb has
really made it easy, fast and cheaper to communicate and stay in touch with friends,
family and colleagues especially those have traveled outside the country. What
with the high standards of living and demanding jobs that make it hard for
people to meet as regularly as they want or need to.
Although am still skeptical about people
meeting new people via internet, I won’t demonize those who choose that route;
to each his own. Since I can’t really speak for men as I am not a mind reader,
I have taken it upon myself to give the brothers a few pointers on how they can
impress the ladies on the social networks. This is just my two cents on how to impress
women and it may not exhaust all the points so feel free to add more points
ladies! This is especially for those blokes who have recently added their love
interest on fb, twitter etc and want to make a good impression.
1. Image
is everything don’t let anyone tell you different
Whatever you do, do not put passport size
photos as they usually are not flattering unless it’s done by a professional
photographer which of course is expensive as hell. One “STUDIO MONA” comes to
mind, located along Argwins Kodhek Rd, Maasai Apartment house, Ground Floor.
(And no they did not pay me to advertise). I just saw some dude with a pic he
got from there and boy did it look goooooo...oood!
Please no ding dong shades (or whatever you
call those glasses that take up half your face). Unless of course they are
prescription glasses!
Try to have only photos of your self on the
profile pic and make sure you look neat and try to smile, it will soften your
look and make you seem approachable...looking like you sucked on a particularly
sour lemon won’t get you noticed by the ladies.
Never put pictures of other females as your
profile picture because girls will automatically assume you are married or in a
Never put pictures of children unless they
are related to you. If you have children come clean because if you try to hide
it someday some genius will ask you “how are the boys doing” or “when does
little Stacy start school” then you will find yourself at the heartbreak hotel.
Never EVER put pictures of yourself semi-naked
unless you have the body of a gladiator... please... I beg o. Some dude
recently uploaded a pic of his upper torso and I swear he looked like a scrawny
teenager never mind that he is in his late 20’s. The body hair and birth marks
didn’t help either. And it’s really hard to take such a person seriously...I’m
just saying!
Still on the above point do not put
pictures of other naked women; it makes you come off as a pervert. No videos
either, no one wants to know what you do during your free time sir, keep that
sh*t to yourself. No sex talk on the TL, preserve that for your boys when you
are discussing whatever it is that men talk about when they are alone. The lady
don’t need to know what it is that you think about, it might scare her away.
If you have done all the above, please
don’t try some weird Tyra like poses where you have contorted your body into
weird positions. And please do not trying to reduce your eyes into
slits like models taking pictures of your image on the vanity mirror ...
no putting on baby lotion so that your body gleams in the light...that sh*t is
really scary man. And the oily lips making you look like you have just been
eating nyama choma is a no no!
And unless you are a rock star or
something, please stay away from make-up. No girl wants a man who rocks Maybelline
better than she does!
Now thanks to various apps, people are now
able to zoom in photos and see what’s behind you. The one thing that I have
noticed about the older men on fb is this trend of taking photos at their place
of work while sitting on a desk while holding the phone with a lap top on an
empty desk. Or standing next to someone’s cars; near enough to make people
think it’s yours and far enough not to set off the car alarm. Please stop, it’s
just so corny! It has been done so many times its actually boring.
In Kenya some mothers have this habit of
putting crocheted vitambas (someone
please translate this to the non-Swahili speakers) on the couches (sofa sets
for some of you).
(notice the vitamba behind me)
I have noticed some men who also take photos while lying on a
seat with vitambas. So unless you
want people to think you still live with your mama, ditch the vitambas. They say a picture is worth a
thousand words so choose an interesting background which will speak for you.
Always upload photos of interesting places
you visit with your friends to show that you have a life. Or just some photos
of funny things you see in your day to day travel.
2. Mind
your language
Women are very sensitive to language. They
tear apart everything men say and analyze each and every word, hence the reason
for the many relationship wars. For this reason women are very careful about
what they say on fb but the men go wild. That’s why I have recently taken up reading
books/blogs written by men as they have no filter. They let it all out. They
are not as concerned about what people think of them or as sensitive to other people’s
feelings on most subjects.
But if you intend to attract a woman, especially
well mannered or conservative (read prudish) you going to have to stop cussing.
No angry status updates, no hurling of insults, no arguing with people al over
the TL. Etc.
No Spelling
![]() |
(spelling mistake) |
I read an article today online and the
writer explained how individuals and companies lose revenue every year due to
spelling mistakes on their websites. Customers are put off by any spelling
mistakes they find on the websites as they believe it’s a reflection on the company’s
ability to deliver goods/ service. So it’s the same for fb, try and observe the
grammatical rules as much as you can. Now thanks to spell check kwa computer, you really have no excuse
for breaking any rules.
3. Exercise
They say there are 3 topics you do not
discuss with complete strangers; Politics, religion and sex. I also think you
should stay away from arguing with people about these even if you are into
apologetics and stuff because it may drive them away. Do not go spreading hate
especially as we approach the election time in Kenya, most people are very
sensitive and PEV in 2008 is still fresh on their mind. But if you must “go
there” try to be respectful and have content enough to support your stand.
There is nothing as painful as “watching” people argue with each other on fb
with limited info and bad grammar.
4. Display
intelligence with a hint of humour
Try to appear intelligent and well informed
on the issues happening around in your community. Comment on interesting,
factual and informative status updates. Be sensitive enough to keep your bias
and prejudices to yourself. There will
be plenty of time to explain later. You can occasionally give pearls of wisdom
on your status update. You can google some Shakespeare or Confucius stuff to
wow your female audience. Have an opinion on important stuff, have principles
or things you stand for and be firm. A woman loves a man with direction and
sense of purpose so give them some snippets of wisdom on the social networks. It
works wonders!
Be interesting such that the lady actually
looks forward to reading your profile updates and comment on them. Try to
frequent fb and not only visit once a month, the lady might loose interest. On
the other hand do not update status every half hour because the lady will start
to wonder how old you are and if you’re really know how to use fb or have a
life. Don’t always try to chat with her when she gets online you may come off
as a stalker. Once in a while let her initiate the convo at least so you know
isht is But on twitter anything goes! Humour goes a long way into
capturing ladies attention, if you can make a woman laugh...boss your half-way
5. Show
some softer side
Take some photos with some cute animals or
you giving back to the community or something. Talk well about other women especially about
those in your family. I saw some dude put a pic of him and his mama and I felt
all warm inside. Observe women’s day and write something that will honour the
women. Be aware of different important dates like the AIDs and Breast cancer
awareness days. Say something on the issues to show that you genuinely care
about these things that affect Kenya and the rest of the world. Women dig that!
6. Honesty
Try to fill in the information that is
asked on the information section. It doesn’t have to be specific but play
around with the truth; I mean you don’t want some crazy lady stalking you or
Stay away from weird profile names like big
dick or lover boy rather just add some twist to your name if you don’t want to
use your full name. Like “Tony” for Antony or “dru” for Andrew etc. Or you can
have an interesting name with a story behind it so that people will be curious
enough to ask you what it means. It can be an ice-breaker for you and
miss-right. There is also this trend I have notice among the barbies in
Nairobi, you drop all your Christian name and use only your second and surname.
It makes you look important or something... i dunno!
issues please
Always K.I.S.S (keep it short and simple)Whatever
you do my friend, stay away from stirring up issues. No talking to females exclusively
all over the TL all day or trying to solicit for some action in the boudoir kwa inbox- chiqs tell and you will be found out eventually. If your ex had
your password please changed it ASAP because she might write stuff on your wall
that may ruin your chances of moving on. Then block her and any of her loud
mouthed friends who may be on some revenge missions. Hell hath no fury... you
know the rest!
No saying how you’re dad never hugged you
or how your ex is a hoe. No feeling sorry for yourself on the TL...+No suicide
talks. I mean you don’t want her to sympathy-date you, do you now? No whining
or b*tchin about this or that. It’s exhausting “listening” to you whine all day.
show any phobias on the wall, have some mystery about you that will make the
ladies curious. No grovelling or commenting on every photo, status update or
blog the lady writes- It makes you look desperate. Don’t over do it man. Do not
be in a hurry to ingisha her box...Remember
what I told you here.
Life is already hard on us as it is; no
lady needs to add your issues on top of what she is going through. This you can
bring up when you are talking face to face and not displayed on the wall for
all and sundry to see. It’s just not in good taste. Respect the ladies privacy
no bringing up stuff you discussed in private on the TL. It might be
misconstrued by other people then s*t will really hit the fan.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Tracy Chapman
When I was young, my dad love listening to
music outside while he repaired his good ol’ Renault car in our old make shift
garage. The car spent more time being repaired than on the road. I guess being
under the hood gave him some peace or something.
He would come into the house all gooey and
reeking oil and stuff. I remember one time he removed the whole engine and placed
it smack into the middle of living room and mama almost had a heart attack. So
every time someone went to hit the light switch they dug their foot into the
thingy and the pain hurt like a mofo. Being children with a short attention
span we always forgot it was there and it was not unusual to hear someone
shrieking like a banshee when they woke up in the middle in the night to drink
water or something.
Now the music he listened to included
Charlie pride, ABBA, Nina Masqueri(hope am spelling this right), Percy sledge, Michael Jackson, Dolly Parton,
Don Williams, Tracy Chapman, Kenny Rogers, Kylie Minogue, Madonna etc. Out of
all the musicians it was Tracy Chapman who really struck a chord in my heart
and I suspect she cast the same spell on good ol’ dad too. We would wake up to Tracy
Chapman before going to school to a point that I knew all her songs by heart.
Although am pretty sure some of words as I knew them then were way off the
mark. I used to wonder whether she was male or female seeing as the Cassette tapes
cover had unflattering pictures of her. And her voice was kind of masculine
like mine so it was hard to tell the difference.
Many musicians have “come into” my life and
gone the same way they came in but Tracy Chapman is here to stay forever. I really
get annoyed when people won’t just let her keep her private life private. Some
of the discussions and attacks about her being gay are just cruel; with some
bloggers writing that she dated American writer Alice Walker. I don’t really
care what people say, all I know that she rocks and I hope my child(ren) will
one day love her music too.
Her songs are so deep and poetic that
sometimes I go to just to read the words and get uplifted. Her music is categorized mostly as of the alternative
rock genre. It is through her music that I even became aware of instruments
such as the cello, organ, ukulele, electric banjo, acoustic guitar and
tambourine plus others that she has incorporated into her songs. Thanks to my
brother who is a guitar player in our church I have learned to differentiate
between guitars. He has tried to teach me how to play but my huge sausage
fingers and impatience won’t let me concentrate.
It really sad that most people and local radio
much more awesome songs like BE CAREFUL OF MY HEART, I DID IT ALL, YOU’RE THE ONE,
SOUL, among others which are worth listening to. It is rare to find a musician
whose songs in one album are all awesome hence my fascination with this
beautiful woman.
She is considered as a politically and
socially active singer/song writer seen by how she speaks so much about
injustices and issues affecting people in America and the rest of the world.
She holds a B.A. Degree in Anthropology and African studies which I believe has
helped her not only in critical thinking but also to be able to write
eloquently on issues affecting people. This is why I think everyone should go go
to school even if they pursue careers in entertainment as there are some skills
that you get there that you won’t get anywhere else.
By the way do you know that she also did a
couple of duets? The strangest combination, I think, was with Pavarotti for BABY
CAN I HOLD YOU TONIGHT, check it out of YouTube and tell me what you think.
Personally I enjoyed it immensely especially since I have never pictured her
genre could mesh well with classical music.
A friend of mine recently asked me if am
still in “Tracy Chapman phase” and my answer is, it’s not a phase but a genuine
love, respect and appreciation for the music and contribution she has made.
Please listen to one of my favourite love
songs above and tell me what you think!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Spaghetti Bolognose
That moment when you eat this...
...then check out the menu to notice this... #truestory
Talk about trying to save money eating at "affordable" restaurants (cheap is such a bad word).
If i die please tell @antwarogue to clear my browsing history and no flowers at my funeral please!
Excuse me while i go buy (more like grovel at my friend who owns a chemist in the building across the street) m'self some flagyl.
...then check out the menu to notice this... #truestory
Talk about trying to save money eating at "affordable" restaurants (cheap is such a bad word).
If i die please tell @antwarogue to clear my browsing history and no flowers at my funeral please!
Excuse me while i go buy (more like grovel at my friend who owns a chemist in the building across the street) m'self some flagyl.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Kenya is wet!
Yay! Its back to school again and i have
never been so relieved. Don’t get me wrong, i love kids but being around them
24-7 can drive anyone insane. For instance my “bright” neighbour bought his kid
a harmonica! Who does that? Now the child thinks he is Steve Wonder or
something and somehow he always uses my door as a muse as he blows the thingy
all day. And i don’t mean to be rude but that child can’t carry a tune with a
bucket. So parents if you are going to buy your kids musical instruments at
least follow it up with music lessons and spare us the agony of being ear-raped
by their bad playing. Today i haven’t heard him play, so i guess i was saved by
the school opening.
The rains are here people , its only been less than a month and it is already wreaking havoc all over the country. I literally watched on telly some dude fishing in his compound after the rains made the river banks burst somewhere in Nyanza and send fish swimming into people's compounds. You should have seen, the look on the people's faces...priceless!
Now whatIi don't get is, why we act surprised every year when we get floods but do nothing about it. People are sent to the high grounds and then they go back afterwards. I mean isn't it about time we did something about it once and for all? Some permanent solutions by the government or at least make the water work for us by i don't know building dams or something?
Then the worst part is that the floods are always quickly followed by a period of drought after all the crops and animals have been swept away. I'm now watching Mr.Gullet from Red cross and he is saying there are still some Kenyans on food aid.smh. Its 2012 and we still struggling to feed people while good ol' Egypt is a desert and they are more secure than we are. They have made use of technology with their limited natural resources to make it work for them. We are still in the "naomba serikal" mode while they are busy saying - in the words of Bitange Ndemo "hapa kuna kitu ya kukura" in NHIF and! It is so exhausting talking about the same thing every year...sigh!
This is what my neighbour hood looks like, (it was worse yesterday) we are prisoners in our own homes! I think i have rickets...
One of my neighbours has to "swim the moat" every morning when he leaves his house and go to pick his car which he has to park in the other estate. There are some men making a killing in our esto my literally carrying people on their backs across the water for like 20bob. The funny part is watching men getting piggyback rides. I am afraid that by the end of the rainy season our men may never have children again!
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