Tuesday 17 July 2012

Signs that your mama is too controlling

I watched ‘Jack and Jill’ a couple of days ago and I noticed that most Adam Sandler’s movies (like 50 first dates, Spanglish, Anger management) always consist of a woman controlling some submissive man (Adam Sandler). I don’t know if it is a coincidence or Mr. Adam has something to share with us. 

Anyhoo I was inspired to research on controlling mothers and this is what I came up with...

Smothering, suffocating, Domineering, forceful, Combative, annoying, bullying, manipulative, sneaky, judgemental, Nitpicking, strong personality, Meddling, overprotective, micromanager, Abusive, bossy...

Do any of the aforementioned words describe your mama to a T? Then mon amie you might have a controlling mother in your hands (more like life). The other signs include:

1. Makes you doubt yourself
Right from childhood she nitpicks everything you do from how you walk, talk; chew your food to the cowlick sticking out. She hates your job, friends, lover, religion, profession etc. Around other people you are a grown up but around her you feel like a twelve year old again. Nothing you do is ever right. She makes you ashamed of your life.

2. Psychotic stalking
She wants to know where you are at all times (even if you told her where you are going before you left the house). She will ask about you from family or friends etc. She is nosy, will snoop through your things from diary, texts messages to your purse. If she is computer savvy she will check out your profile on fb and twitter etc.

3. Controls all your relationships
Mama tells you who you can or cannot hang out with. She screens all suitors, makes sure to be around when your friends come over and dominates all conversations. If she leaves, she will be in the next room eaves dropping. If you are on the phone, her ears perk up to try and hear what you are talking about. She might even start to control their lives too. She has sucked the life out of you, now she wants to suck it out of the others too. The big Hoover will spread the misery.

4. Guilt trips you
She whines how you spend more time with your friends than her. She makes you choose between her and other people/things/ interests. If you refuse to go see her she will talk in a small, weak, care worn voice to show how she is suffering. If you stand your ground she will send lots of text messages, emails, letters larded with words to make you feel guilty.

5. Lies/belittles/condemning and abuses you (sometimes others too)
She is a consummate liar and has mastered how to rally everybody around her. When you have an altercation she will lie about the details of the fight. She will tell any one who will give her an audience what a horrible person you are and most cases manage to isolate you from everyone. She will point out weaknesses like call you fat in front of people and embarrass you publicly. Always wears a scowl on her face. She is suspicious of people and is constantly picking up fights with them; from employees, service provider to the matatu touts.

6. Physical abusive
In very extreme cases, she may be physically abusive on top of the yelling and the screaming contests. This could be slapping/hitting you or throwing items that are in her hand like sufurias, plates, shoes etc at you. You may even have to get a restraining order against her if your life is in real danger. (Remember the Nyeri dude? shit can get that serious)

7. Give you strings-attached gifts
She will help you out financially or any other way which later on she will use to control and belittle you. She will constantly lord it over you to make you dance to her tune. She will constantly bring up all the things she has done for you and make you feel obligated to return the favour. She will ask you for favours which will require you to give feedback so as to get you to talk to her often.

8. Try to make you feel jealous
If all the above fails she will try to make you jealous. She will do nice things for other family members/friends or strangers to send a message to you. She will hold parties, cook for them, buy things for them etc. If it doesn’t affect you, she will move to saying things like “Grace is more like a daughter to me”” she treats me so well” etc. She may even constantly tell you how so and so’s child is successful and rubs it in your face.

9. Competes for your affection
She will drive away your friends and family so that you solely depend on her. She doesn’t want you meeting other friends or family. She will try to get people to stop from supporting you. She will try to isolate you by not allowing you to play with other kid when you are young. If she notices that she is being replaced, she will seek to up that other person. During birthdays she will buy the most outrageous gifts to make her seem like she cares more.

10. Rallies up people around her
A small altercation ends into a chain reaction with all other family members being involved in your business. She will be on the phone telling people how bad you are and all. She will run ideas by your friends and family and hope they drop hints to you to make you alter your plans. She is constantly complaining to your siblings/friends/family including your kids about you who in turn get on your case- it feels like a never ending drama.

11. Has a controlling ally
In most families your controlling mama will have an ally/ snitch, could be the husband but usually its the last born who will hover around to gather data. If you have more siblings, chances are if you don’t get the controlling character from her, one of your other siblings will pick it up. This sibling will start to exhibit behaviours like for instance constantly criticizing your clothes, your hair, correcting your grammar mid conversation, condescending, giving unsolicited advice larded with platitudes and old chestnut etc and help shove your mother’s agenda down your throat and spend time with your mama discussing what a demon you are. They will even have private jokes and pet names for you.

12. Melodramatic/exaggeration/ personal crisis/Emotional blackmail
She will cry, sulk, pout and throw temper tantrums if she does not get her way. If she has a headache it will blown up to migraines or even cancer. She will talk about suicide/death especially if she is old to get you to feel guilty. She just has this uncanny ability to get everyone to do what she wants. People are powerless to her charms and manipulation.

13. The men around her are hen pecked
One sure-fire sign your mama is controlling is if your father is whipped/submissive and bows to her every whim. If your father always seeks to hide from her eg in the pub or his office to get away from her then you really know she is a pain in his caboose. If she is constantly yelling at him (emasculating him) telling him how he is not good enough- its only a matter of time before you get a dose of this medicine (more like poison)

14. She acts like Martyr
She is always talking about some suffering or another. She is always feigning illness to get the family to come over. It’s always one crisis after another. She is constantly saying how her life is hard and how she has suffered. Constantly reminding you of all the sacrifices she made for you. Oh how you messed up her good body, how her birth canal was never the same thanks to your big head etc. Its always doom and gloom with her. She is constantly in turmoil and makes one bad decision after another and claims it was all for you.

15. She is intrusive/ demanding
This Mama wants to know every intimate detail of your life. She doesn’t cross the line; she starts on the other side of the line. Whenever she calls it is to ask intrusive questions and generally give you the third degree. How much you earn, why you are not pregnant yet, if you are getting any from your lover, she wants to know about your friends’ private lives too etc. Constantly pushing boundaries (more like there are no boundaries with her). She interferes in your life and is constantly stirring trouble/causing arguments between you and the rest of the family/friends.

16. Never listens
Every conversation or information you share with her is translated into you asking for advice. Before you finish talking she is already giving her two cents and persistently pushing her points of view down your throat. She likes to think that she is never wrong. She thinks she is an expert in your life never mind that some of the decisions she made in your life are horrible ones and you are paying for them to date.

17. Makes too many demands than is acceptable/Impatience
She is constantly demanding money, time etc from you. She wants all of your time and makes you feel guilty for spending time with your friends, husband and family. She will expect you to do favours at the drop of a hat without caring that you have other things to do.  If she calls and you do not pick up, she will leave over 10 messages (that is, after calling all your friends and siblings) She will fill up your inbox with messages etc. She has no respect for your personal time and space.

 (All this is usually common in families where there is an only child, in single parent black mothers or the parent and the child were abnormally close and emotionally dependent on each other growing up before other people started coming in the picture to challenge the status quo)

But not to worry, i gat you.

I will post details on how to deal with your bullying mama, aunty, mother-in-law etc for now marinate in this new information.LOL!

Ta at 
lovely people

Ps. Jesus loves you even if your mama don’t.


  1. Mistreated child23 January 2013 at 08:02

    This was all described to the tee! After having 4 children of my own, with her trying to shove me out the way and become my kids mother, always down talking me,favortism with siblings, rallying everyone up all to get WHAT SHE WANTS!!! I could write a book! This was such an on the point descriprion im 30 years old & just now waking up to all this CONTROL NOT LOVE!

  2. that's my mother I had to deal with it my whole life so this is like a holy crap moment for me everything is describing my mother

  3. I really responded to the part about having an ally; for years I've wondered why my mother did all these crazy things to me, but not to my sister, and now I think I understand. Though my first clue should have been that my sister was a little snitch since she could talk...

  4. For the most part yes my mom to a T! I'm twenty three and still living at home and believe me not by choice. I lost my job back in March and was unemployed for a few months which unfortunately racked up a few bills. I know have a stable job and am slowly trying to get myself caught up but she still somehow tacks into my bank account just to see if I've had a check deposited and if so she expects me to give her money. Yes I understand I'm still living under their roof, but its only because I didn't have a job. I'm trying so hard to get myself out of debt, but she always asks where my money is and I tell her to pay off bills. She will just sit there laugh in my face then walk away. It makes me feel like such a low life! Me and my mom have never been close but really when does it end? I will never be good enough. Everything I just said is a small slice compared to everything else... I'm just at a loss.

  5. I live in an Asian family. I can't believe how spot on you are. Where I come from, people don't move out and buy a flat (yes a flat) unless they get married because of certain prerequisites in place before the purchase of a flat - such as marriage being one of them. Added to that, the prices of flats are exorbitantly high and many sing thirty year debts. Renting is out of the question again because of a lot of restrictions. Also, cultural restrictions tend to limit our mobility in and out of the family. You just have to stay within the family or all hell breaks lose. My mother is amazingly horribly controlling. She snoops around everything and requires my movement to be tracked everywhere. If possible, she would like to control every single thing in my life and my father runs away from her. It is really amazingly horrible. She always thinks that she is right without fail and that she alone knows what is right. She uses religion to threaten my and rationally, her arguments are not onkly illogical and uninformed. But her understanding of the religion in question is so limited that when i tell her what are the proper verses from our holy book, she retaliates violently out of sheer embarrassment. It is impossible to communicate with her.

    1. When I say flat i mean an appartment.

    2. I was the one who wrote the main comment above and i just wanna comment that I so love my mum. :)

    3. i wish i could meet you

    4. i wish i could meet you

  6. My mother exactly except she is also paranoid schizophrenic! Imagine how messed up I am.

  7. my mother is like this except for the physical abuse she gets me so upset i cant even eat I've been with my bf for 4 years and she loved him before we started dating but know she hates him i love him dearly....she always told me that as long as i am happy shes happy but its not true she really wants me to move back home and control my life and more than likely my sons life to tonight she accused him of cheating on me and i know he would never do that to me he loves me and does have very few female friends i dont understand y she does this maybe its because i am a very passive person and dont speak up for myself he is the father of my child and the love of my life why wont she see that

  8. ALL of this applies to my mother. Especially the paragraph about the snitch (my sister) and father being submissive (in my case, step-father) My mom is so controlling that she wanted me to move into the house across the street, emails and guilts my best friend, hates every man I've ever dated, now hates my husband, and even had the nerve to testify against me to get my son taken away. She needs help badly, but she's never going to change because she plays the victim in every situation and still thinks she's done absolutely nothing wrong. Haven't spoken to her in over 4 years, and I don't intend to until she changes. Life has been great ever since. I have my own drama; I don't need hers too.

  9. This is my mother all the way with no if ands or buts about it. Except with a small twist.

  10. This is my mother all the way with no if ands or buts about it. Except with a small twist.

  11. I am crying with relief reading this, being controlled all my life I lost my voice, became emotionally unstable and I could never understand or explain what it exactly was as I was just so brain dead and lost. This article sums it up from a-z! Thank you.

  12. Victorine kills me,hahaha, I can't believe how heavy/touchy this subject is to most people yet its so funny, the self intro below is on another level lol...good work

  13. Suffering aint funny!

  14. This is my mother. Sadly I absorbed the narcisstic blueprint and married her male counterpart and proceeded to have four children as I was a lonely , only child of immigrant parents. My sociopathic attorney husband then left me with no resources to raise the children by myself while he manipulated his way through the court system for eighteen years. In spite of all the inhuman abuses I suffered I managed to raise remarkable children but had to shift a great deal of financial dependence back to my mother due to my dire circumstances and the unaccountability of my ex. Now that all four children have left the nest to pursue their own lives I have nothing to call my own . I have no autonomy over my own life. Everything my mother has done for me was paid for with blood money . She has millions of dollars but I'm left to suffer with my circumstances. I will eventually inherit their estate but I'm going to have to suffer as much as possible beforehand. I have been strong for so long. I love my children unconditionally and would do anything for them. Still I am being consumed from within by unbearable anxiety and stress. self loathing for where I find myself. For over a decade she praises my choice of a partner yet reminds me daily how he has nothing to offer me financially . My peace of mind has been eroded , my security is non existent and I have very little quality of life at this point.I don't know where to go from here.

  15. My mother controlled me for most of my life. She was very abusive to me growing up. She would beat me to the point where my face is scarred up on one side. When I expressed my hurt towards her due to the abuse she put me through, her response was "You need to see a psychiatrist." What a b*tch! When I lived with her from April 2011 to August 2012, she would forbid me from going outside at night because she said that if females were outside at night, then they're up to no good. She would listen in on my phone calls and yell at me if I tried to lower my voice so she couldn't hear what I was saying. She didn't want me to get a night job and she still thinks I shouldn't be going outside when its dark. She wanted me to pay her cable bill because I didn't give any money to her when I got a grant in college...over 10 years ago. For a while I paid her bill due to guilt...but stopped doing it when I told her that I wasn't in a position to help her out financially. I was living in a mental health apartment treatment program and only getting $353.00 a month PNA (personal needs allowance). That money had to go to buying the basics and paying some bills. Things got so bad that I moved to eastern Long Island, NY (nearly 100 miles away from her apartment in Brooklyn, NY). I only see my mother twice a month...and I can't tolerate being in her house for more than 4 hours. She thinks she's holier than thou. She got upset because I didn't give custody of my now-adopted son to her several years ago. She lost her case because she threatened me with physical harm and I recorded her threatening me, The Family Court judge heard the message...and made her look like a fool in court.

  16. understanding the problem is the first key :-)
    See all sides to begin the healing

  17. Good grief! This article was spot on. I was married to mama's girl and no matter how hard I tried to get my ex-wife to realize her mother was bullying her, she wouldn't listen. Ultimately, we divorced for several reasons but the primary reason for our divorce was that I felt like my ex-wife was reciting scripts from her mother. Anyway, she married again and the last time we spoke, she finally admitted her relationship with her mother was a huge problem in our marriage. I told her, it was not about me being right but about what was right for us as a married couple. Needless to say, she recently kicked her mother out of her house while she was visiting after "mama" tried the same games with her new husband. If you are an independent person then I would steer clear of "mama children." They don't speak the same language of life as independent adults.

    1. I feel you on that, I feel my mother pushed away half of my relationships which is why I am not close with her anymore because I am now with someone I really care about and I refuse to have her push him away

  18. My mom is truly controlling I am 34 years old and have 2 children she has depended on me to help take care of her and them. She was abusive into my 20s and has always threatened me with killing herself. She moved us to Virginia when I was 14 due to her job when I'm from Michigan. I moved back to Michigan 4 years ago n she tagged along n now she's trying to force me back to va because my niece is having difficulty and may go to the state. Plus she throws up at me about my kids dads living there and they need to get to know them but at the same time they have had little or nothing to do with them. My family is here and I need advice to help me do the right thing. She threatened to blow her brains out tonight because I told her I want to stay. How do I break away and not give in. I love her but enough is enough.

  19. Sounds like my mum, gets very controlling and starts fights out of nothing

  20. Sounds like my mum, gets very controlling and starts fights out of nothing

  21. Sounds like my mum, gets very controlling and starts fights out of nothing

  22. I love my mom I do but ever since I had my first baby I've come to see just how manipulative and controlling she really is. If I want to go see the father and take our son with me, she'll come up with an excuse to why she wants me to stay home then got trips me when I refuse. She asks all the time who I'm taking to, who I'm texting, what I'm watching, what am i wearing, list goes on. In only suppose to be living with my mom till i get back on my feet, but we recently had a connoisseur blow out when I had 2000 dollars saved up and she some my card, now I'm back to square one with 500 in the bank. She tells me what to do with my baby from what he eats too what he wears to when he should go to sleep. And it's obvious she doesn't like the father, mainly because she is a single black woman who was raised by a single mother and raised me and my siblings, raised my sibling kids and thinks now she's going to raise our baby. I trek get in saving up to get an apartment and she tells me I owe her money for letting me stay here leading to me broke again and depending on her. It's cone sadly to the point that I'm basically telling with my boyfriend behind her back on getting a job and an apartment and at the age of 26 I really shouldn't have to do such thing.

    1. When I read this above I had to think if I had typed that my self only I'm a man and I have reached my breaking point with my mother

    2. When I read this above I had to think if I had typed that my self only I'm a man and I have reached my breaking point with my mother

  23. I'm 16 and my mom hits a lot of these points I tried to tell her how I felt today and she told me I had no valid point. She tries to control everything. I have to put my phone down at certain times at like 4pm to 7pm which is when I get home from school to dinner. She tells me she trusts me but she takes away all my responsibility on top of that if I get angry she tells me in her house I'm not allowed to be angry. All fights are my fault and I'm have issues. She's let's me go out and do Colorguard but those are her "gifts with strings attached" because there the first things she throws in my face. If she doesn't get her way she guilt trips me she's even taken me to my nana and told her a completely different story to get nana on her side. I don't know what to do and I'm conteplating running away when I turn 17

    1. I mean I used to never have a bedtime and I never stayed up late but it's
      Get home from school phone down and i don't use my phone at school
      We have dinner at 7 and it's takes an hour to eat and an hour to clean up the mess and then it's almost 10 and our phone goes down. She says she trusts me but constantly tells us she has people patrolling around the house to see if we're home tracks our phone claims she hasn't gone through our messages which is a lie, and thinks my boyfriend and I are having sex when we are what do I do.

  24. My mom definitely has most of these qualities and the whole family sees it. The problem is i cannot bring anything like his up to her without her getting mad or upset at me for having such stupendous thoughts. Idk what to do.

    1. I am going to print the article and send it to my egg donor

  25. This is my daughter-in-law's mother to a Tee. There are two daughters in her family. The youngest is the mother's ally while the eldest is nitpicked. My son is being emotional abused and so are my grandchildren. The mother and DIL have been trying to push us out of the way so that only her family gets the grandchildren. It's definitely a pattern in this "fine" family. First, the grandfather was cut off his family, then DIL's father from his, and now they're trying to do the same with my son's family. For a long time my son wouldn't talk about their problems and I didn't push him because I didn't want to be too controlling. But when I found out the DIL lied about an incident, making it look like we were bad grandparents, I had to tell my son what really happened. It may mean not seeing my grandchildren for a while, if ever, but I can't let DIL get away with telling lies about us or her husband. She is imitating her mother's behavior and will never change. I'm sure my granddaughter will the same way. It's very sad to see this type of behavior in this day and age.

  26. This is all on point. I am in my early 20's still currently living at home and saving to buy my own place which my mother does not want and keeps trying to tell me why don't I get a place with her. I have graduation college this year and have a great job. Never been I. Trouble in the past and was always a good student and at every family function beck and call. Now when I go to family things it isn't good enough, anyone I date she has something to say. When I hang with my friends she talks bad about them and when I do not see them she calls me a loser for not being with them. Recently my mothers best friend son is getting married and has a bridal shower, I told her I couldn't go because it was my one day off and was sick all week and wanted to spend the day with my bf who I barely see because of our work schedules. She constantly tells me I have to go and when she doesn't get her way she will follow me around the house wherever I am to start an argument about it. Anything she can control like this wedding we were invited too she will make sure I can't bring a date with me and be stuck with her and my brother and his wife and I feel I'm not allowed to have someone there for me. Also during a family tragedy my bf wanted to be by my side, I was told by my mom family only but yet my cousins bf was there. I know I'm just ranting but there is so much that has happened and I feel anyone I have there for me she doesn't want me to have its like she wants me to always depend on her and be there with her, my father begs for her love and attention but she doesn't want it anymore: idk what to do besides suffer take the mental abuse and save and move out soon.
