Friday, 26 December 2014
Book review: Inconceivable by ben Elton
This is the saddest funny book Ive ever read in a long time. The book revolves around a couple- Lucy and Sam Bell who have been trying to have a baby for five years. The book has been written in form of a diary where Lucy and Sam are all recording their thoughts in their individual diaries. And of course majority of what they write about is their feelings on trying to get pregnant and all they go through. So we get to see things from a man's point of view then from the woman's.
They have tried everything that has been suggested to them by their friends, family and colleagues. From flavored tea, having sex alfresco on a full moon, aromatherapy (which stinks up the house and gives Sam blocked nose), prayers (although Lucy is agnostic), performing fertility rites complete with chanting and all, massaging nutmeg oil on the crease of Lucy's bum to Lucy sleeping with her bum propped up to make the sperms swim towards her uterus. They have read and watch all articles on trying to get pregnant. Lucy tapes anything about fertility and cuts articles off newspapers. Although some of the suggestions are ridiculous they just give it a try because everything else hasn't worked out. Its not like it can get any worse.
Readers get to see what couple who are having a hard time get pregnant go through. How they go through heartbreak after heartbreak. Although the book is sad, the author still managed to make it funny as well. You gotta read it to know how it ends. And if you have read any of Ben Elton's works you know the ending is always unpredictable.
When in doubt, wear black!
I remember when I was young I watched the
above Grease video and I loved how John
Travolta and his love interest were dressed in all black. The way Travolta was
gyrating his hips... ayayayai! Then that part where they are in the shake shack
thingy... rrrrr! It got me thinking all
sorts of stuff. Forget the stripper pole I needs me a shake shack in the
boudoir. I have a hundred and one things I could do in it.
Stop it Vicky! *slaps self*
Stop it Vicky! *slaps self*
Fast forward to the early nineties rapper Ja rule and singer Ashanti did a similar scene in their song mesmerize- I think. Ashanti looked so good in her shiny black thingy- couldn’t stop watching the video. Did you watch the same on glee? Perfect I tell you. And what do they all have in common? They are all in black. And you wanna know why? Because black is timeless guys! Whitney Houston's - I'm your baby tonight. She is wearing black and looking yummy as hell. Oh! Beyonce’s Countdown music video was awesome. Did you see her in black dancing like a marionette! Loved it! If only my child- bearing hips would fit in those black tights I would walk all day like that. Or not!
Just like Lisa Raye love's wearing all white and Janelle Monae be rocking black and white all day, I love my black. Most of my clothes are black.
My bed sheets are black- my covers are black. When my mother saw them, she was
mortified. She claims that why she ain't got no gran babies because I be scaring
away all potential suitors with black bedding. Nothing about black spells sexy
she says. But I beg to differ. Black is sexy. Let nobody tell you different. I wanted to buy black sofa sets but my sister
claims it would make my house look dull. Poppycock, if you ask me. The only thing stopping me from wearing black now is that I work in a hot town in Homa bay county. The sweltering heat makes wearing black impossible and makes my black T-shirts fade at the back.
You can never go wrong with black. Everyone should have a black something in his or her closet. Black is no longer a preserve for funerals and formal events. Black should therefore not be viewed as depressing. Black really is beautiful.
Heck! I should print out T-shirts with this slogan.
Then maybe I'll get y'all to love wearing black.
If you haven't started already.
I was shocked to discover that there are so many colours out there and I have a hard time telling them apart. You got cobalt, navy blue, mauve,beige, crimson, tangerine, coral, turquoise, neon etc. But black is universal. Everyone around the
world probably owns some piece of clothing in black. You can wear black with
everything. You can even wear black on black! How awesome is that?
Black is slimming. When you wear black, you look smaller and taller too. Black is timeless. It was cool back then and it is still cool to date. Black is not easily stained. What with me being clumsy and all. Black is just black. There is no light black or dark black. If you send someone to buy you something in black chances of them of f-ing it up are pretty slim. Anytime someone is selling me anything I always gotta ask” do you have it in black?” drives my friends bats. So next time you are going out and you don’t know what to wear. Wear black. You will thank me later!
Black is slimming. When you wear black, you look smaller and taller too. Black is timeless. It was cool back then and it is still cool to date. Black is not easily stained. What with me being clumsy and all. Black is just black. There is no light black or dark black. If you send someone to buy you something in black chances of them of f-ing it up are pretty slim. Anytime someone is selling me anything I always gotta ask” do you have it in black?” drives my friends bats. So next time you are going out and you don’t know what to wear. Wear black. You will thank me later!
Monday, 1 December 2014
My favourite cry-worthy movies
Ever watched a movie so depressing that it had you slinging snot around crying your tear glands dry?
You know you really don't have to do that to your self but its so beautiful you cant help it. The following movies are the ones that had me get my ugly cry on because they were so friggin sad. I'll mention the part that tug at my heart strings. If you don't cry at least it will give you those balancing tears like pussy in boots kwa shriek. If it doesn't then your cold man. You need to thaw that ice box you call a heart real quick! Don't worry I wont ruin for anyone.
1.Finding never land
When Johnny Depp's character is sitting on a bench and the little boy has balancing tears Nyasachiel I was howling!
2. Never let me go
When the guy gets out of the car and walks away and starts wailing and screaming like a banshee it broke my heart.
3. My sisters keeper
When the mama slapped her daughter. Not cool!
4. Sweet November
At the bridge when he tells her to close her eyes as she walks away.
5. Adjustment bureau
where do I start? How about when he sees her through the window. sweet!
6. Four colored girls
When Janet Jackson's character sits on the bed telling her no-good man whats what! It convinced me that Janet really is a great actor. Y'all know anything by Tyler Perry is bound to leave you touched as hell. I know guys think is corny but Tyler just has a way with them scripts.
7. Diary of a mad black woman
When she is being dragged through the floor and thrown out.
8. Daddy's little girls
The part wheree Idris Elba is in an altrercation with whats-his-face and they are playing Sam cooke's Change is gonna come. I cried like a baby
9. Titanic
When he goes to the bottom of the sea.
10. Law abiding citizen
What happened to his wife and child. Not cool. And they saw it fit to put it at the beginning of the movie? Not cool! :(
11. London
He could say he loved her and when she finally did...
I just get the sniffles thinking about it now.
12. Unfaithful
When he found the gift he bought her at whats-his-name's house. Ouch!
13. Ghost
When he tried to speak to her but couldnt get throught to her because they were both from "different worlds'. I watched this in high school.
14. John Q
When Denzel Washington was crying. How you gonna make my man cry doe! It cut me, it cut me real deep.
BTW ever notice how Kimberly Elise knows how to cry on cue. That woiye struggle cry? e.g in
Diary of a mad black woman, Four colored girls, John Q. In her career I think she's the actress whose lost the mostt tears. There should be an award form that if you ask me!
15. Stepmom
The movie is depressing but the only thing I remember is how he preopossed with strings nshit. It was so romantic and sweet I cried
So next time you are in need of a good cry, find any of these movies and I guarantee you will weep like nobody's bidness. There's something cathartic about crying your eyes out. It gets rid of those negative emotions.
ION- December is here. Happy new month
You know you really don't have to do that to your self but its so beautiful you cant help it. The following movies are the ones that had me get my ugly cry on because they were so friggin sad. I'll mention the part that tug at my heart strings. If you don't cry at least it will give you those balancing tears like pussy in boots kwa shriek. If it doesn't then your cold man. You need to thaw that ice box you call a heart real quick! Don't worry I wont ruin for anyone.
1.Finding never land
When Johnny Depp's character is sitting on a bench and the little boy has balancing tears Nyasachiel I was howling!
2. Never let me go
When the guy gets out of the car and walks away and starts wailing and screaming like a banshee it broke my heart.
3. My sisters keeper
When the mama slapped her daughter. Not cool!
4. Sweet November
At the bridge when he tells her to close her eyes as she walks away.
5. Adjustment bureau
where do I start? How about when he sees her through the window. sweet!
6. Four colored girls
When Janet Jackson's character sits on the bed telling her no-good man whats what! It convinced me that Janet really is a great actor. Y'all know anything by Tyler Perry is bound to leave you touched as hell. I know guys think is corny but Tyler just has a way with them scripts.
7. Diary of a mad black woman
When she is being dragged through the floor and thrown out.
8. Daddy's little girls
The part wheree Idris Elba is in an altrercation with whats-his-face and they are playing Sam cooke's Change is gonna come. I cried like a baby
9. Titanic
When he goes to the bottom of the sea.
10. Law abiding citizen
What happened to his wife and child. Not cool. And they saw it fit to put it at the beginning of the movie? Not cool! :(
11. London
He could say he loved her and when she finally did...
I just get the sniffles thinking about it now.
12. Unfaithful
When he found the gift he bought her at whats-his-name's house. Ouch!
13. Ghost
When he tried to speak to her but couldnt get throught to her because they were both from "different worlds'. I watched this in high school.
14. John Q
When Denzel Washington was crying. How you gonna make my man cry doe! It cut me, it cut me real deep.
BTW ever notice how Kimberly Elise knows how to cry on cue. That woiye struggle cry? e.g in
Diary of a mad black woman, Four colored girls, John Q. In her career I think she's the actress whose lost the mostt tears. There should be an award form that if you ask me!
15. Stepmom
The movie is depressing but the only thing I remember is how he preopossed with strings nshit. It was so romantic and sweet I cried
So next time you are in need of a good cry, find any of these movies and I guarantee you will weep like nobody's bidness. There's something cathartic about crying your eyes out. It gets rid of those negative emotions.
ION- December is here. Happy new month
Saturday, 25 October 2014
And then I fell in love and now I got love all over me!
There is something about kids. When you get close to them you eventually find yourself falling in love with them. I thought movies like Are we there yet, The pacifier, About a man etc were corny. I mean how can grown adults let themselves be manipulated by these tiny tots. That was until I was posted in this boys' high school in Homa Bay and I found out first hand.
These little buggers are addictive. Holden in The catcher in the Rye was right
“Don’t tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody”
Now I love my class so much I can't stand it. When they fail it bothers me and I could just easily drink Kermit's tea like...
... and keep it moving but I cant. Because it's now my business. And you know why, I done let them into my heart and now I'm hooked just as character Frank explained in the book Father Frank...
He loved them (children), he'd always been good with them, but viewed them in much the same way as heroin addiction. From the moment they are born, you fall hopelessly in love with them and you are a prisoner to those feelings forever. Yes, they bring immense pride and pleasure but worry too- the most horrible gut wrenching worry. And there is no rehab program, you cant kick children the way you can kick smack. Best not get too hooked in the first place.
I shouldnt have gottten hooked in the first place. buh too late y'all, I'm hooked and I can't kick the habit! I let them get away with so much stuff the other teachers are always smh. Guys tell me how come I can check adults and tell them off but my students manipulate me up and down the streets. The answer is I'm hooked and there is no cure y'all.
They manipulate me with the back talk and sass, silent treatment, pouting and don't forget the water works- hate seeing tears. I hate seeing them cry and now they use it all the time. Every time I lay down the law they challenge my authority. They think all my rules are suggestions. Everyday I be having a referendum with these young dissenters just to get them to do simple tasks. It annoys me because I'm always screaming my self hoarse all day as these kids spleen me every day.
It's even worse that I don't smack them like their parents do here in the village. One came to school demanding to know why I do not whip the kids. Now they are all worried that Imma turn their children into juvenile delinquents. They got me worried that I'm going to be a bad disciplinarian and raise my own kids to be brats :(
The go-sit-in-a-corner does zilch for their naughtiness. If anything they go to sleep in the nawty corner just to get me riled and it works all the time. I just hate the idea of smack children around. I think they should learn how to listen without the fear of the cane.Besides corporal punishment was banned in Kenyan schools tene. I don't have bail money and I'm too cute to go to jail and "pick soap". But I don't have kids so I do not know!
These kids got me spending money on things I do not care about. At this rate I won't have a pot to piss in by the time I'm retiring. But the funny thing is I do not really care because when I go to sleep, I sleep in this soft comfy pillow called clear conscience. I have found my calling and I'm living a fulfilling life.
All I ever wanted like Jeff who lies at home was to do something important. Something that mattered so that when I die you won't all be there at the funeral like "yeah she was a real b*tch". But you will be glad I lived because i touched lives.
Enough talk gotta go mark them exam papers. Two more weeks to closing day and I'll be like...
Monday, 20 October 2014
If loving him is wrong, then I don't ever wanna be right
There I was with my teacher friends in this kiosk and a Lil Wayne song happened to come on the radio. I love me some Lil Wayne, always have. I can even remember the first song I heard where he featured in " soldier" with Destiny child and I was hooked. I think I have listened to all his songs. There is just something so cool about him
I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
And I search but never find, hurt but never cry
I work and forever try but I'm cursed, so never mind
And it's worse but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher the more that I climb
I work and forever try but I'm cursed, so never mind
And it's worse but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher the more that I climb
(Drop the world)
'Cause her form puts me in a trance
I transform smaller and she puts me in her pants
Swizz-Swizz on the beat, Chris move ya feet
And Weezy transform a good girl to a freak
(Transform ya)
Out of habit (you know seeing as I have this music video in the house) I started singing my ginene off. I could remember "Dufflebag boy" video and it brought back memories. There is this part where this mami is cooking for whats-his-face in her underwear. I decided to do the same some time back
I was caught up in singing that I didn't see the others watching. Now when I got to the part...
...Need a hoe break a hoe never nuthin new to us
Turnin hoes to house wives never been cool with us...
They darn near lost their minds.
(Then it so happened that it was a Saturday and the Sabbath thingy had begun. This is a a serious thing here since its predominantly SDA. While the rest of Kenya is engaging in debauchery and making bad decision they'll regret later - over here we are ushering the holy day. Its so hard to do the walk of shame here, if the guilt don't kill you the hot naked sun will get you)
Talmabout how as an educator I should lead by example and not listen to these misogynistic songs. I think the feminist was too disappointed but the ratchet part of me was like O.O? My love for Lil Wayne is bullet proof owada. Ain't nobody got time for reality check.
![]() | |
Is like he is looking into my soul |
I know some day Imma have to give him up. But before I do let me infect you with some of Lil Wayne finest songs...
1. Make it Rain feat Fat Joe
2. Motivation feat Kelly Rowland
3. Gimme that feat Chris Brown
4. Leather so soft
5. Duffel bag boy
6. Lock you down feat Maya
7. Sweetest girl feat Wycliffe Jean
8. Loyal feat Chris Brown
9. Drop the world
10. I need a soldier feat Destiny's child
11. How to love
You are welcome!
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Bae needs to have some chill in this streets!
This old man was telling me that the trouble with relationships is that when a man approaches a woman he wants to get to know her before he decides if he'll commit to her. Women on the other hand want a confirmation that they will last forever before she gives her self fully to the man. Which is kinda impossible considering some things(like relationships) take time before they actually become meaningful. This forces the man sometimes to make false promises to get a chance to be with her. You really dont want to lie but at the same time you dont want to lose the chance to be with her. Its a catch 22 situation. You do you are damned, you dont you are still damned. (Kweli guys have it hard!)
Some are actually genuine when they make promises of love but down the line they realize the woman they are with is not who they thought they were and things change ergo they want out. Hence the many broken hearts and bitterness by both parties when the relationship goes sour.
Women don't want to hear 'Lets hang out and see how it goes' when they ask you "Where is this relationship going?" They want to be sure before they give themselves 100%. They put so much pressure on the man to define their relationship with of course disastrous effects. We like to label relationships all day. We want to know where we stand with anyone not just with members of the opposite sex. We don't just "chill" for chill's sake. Every thing has to have a meaning. Even people who have the FWB arrangements can testify that sooner or later the lady begins to feel some type of way about the man. Now she may even doing the most in his life hoping that he will see how awesome she is and wife her. Cooking, cleaning and generally indulging his every whim. She may even start acting all jealous when they see their FWB buddy talking with other ladies. At this point you know baby girl has caught feelings and she secretly wanna be exclusive!
I think women will be much safer if they followed this poet's advice before committing themselves to any relationship. It summarizes everything about how to progress in a romantic relationship. I have loved it since high school.
I beg you by Laban Erapu
If you feel something like love for me,
Not to let me know it now
When I feel nothing so certain for you.
Wait until you’ve conquered my pride
By pretending not to care for me.
I beg you,
If you think your eyes will give you away,
Not to give me that longing look
When you know it will force the moment
Wait until our heatbeats have settled
Then put your head on my shoulder.
I beg you,
Not to let us surrender to passion
Until our liking has grown to love
Let’s stop and look back
Let’s draw apart and sigh,
Let’s stand back to back,
Let’s say goodbye for the day
And walk our different ways
Without pausing to wait
For an echo to our last word.
I beg you
If you find yourself interlocked
In my embrace,
To kiss me and keep me silent
Before I start making promises
That time may choose to by-pass -
Wait until our hands are free,
Then listen to me;
Wait until our love is primed
Then give me your hand.’
Below is an interesting song by Papa Roach. The lyrics speaking on more or less what I'm tryna say. Sometimes baby boy may blurt out "I love you" without even meaning to and then its down hill from there! Any who have a listen...
Some are actually genuine when they make promises of love but down the line they realize the woman they are with is not who they thought they were and things change ergo they want out. Hence the many broken hearts and bitterness by both parties when the relationship goes sour.
Women don't want to hear 'Lets hang out and see how it goes' when they ask you "Where is this relationship going?" They want to be sure before they give themselves 100%. They put so much pressure on the man to define their relationship with of course disastrous effects. We like to label relationships all day. We want to know where we stand with anyone not just with members of the opposite sex. We don't just "chill" for chill's sake. Every thing has to have a meaning. Even people who have the FWB arrangements can testify that sooner or later the lady begins to feel some type of way about the man. Now she may even doing the most in his life hoping that he will see how awesome she is and wife her. Cooking, cleaning and generally indulging his every whim. She may even start acting all jealous when they see their FWB buddy talking with other ladies. At this point you know baby girl has caught feelings and she secretly wanna be exclusive!
I think women will be much safer if they followed this poet's advice before committing themselves to any relationship. It summarizes everything about how to progress in a romantic relationship. I have loved it since high school.
I beg you by Laban Erapu
If you feel something like love for me,
Not to let me know it now
When I feel nothing so certain for you.
Wait until you’ve conquered my pride
By pretending not to care for me.
I beg you,
If you think your eyes will give you away,
Not to give me that longing look
When you know it will force the moment
Wait until our heatbeats have settled
Then put your head on my shoulder.
I beg you,
Not to let us surrender to passion
Until our liking has grown to love
Let’s stop and look back
Let’s draw apart and sigh,
Let’s stand back to back,
Let’s say goodbye for the day
And walk our different ways
Without pausing to wait
For an echo to our last word.
I beg you
If you find yourself interlocked
In my embrace,
To kiss me and keep me silent
Before I start making promises
That time may choose to by-pass -
Wait until our hands are free,
Then listen to me;
Wait until our love is primed
Then give me your hand.’
Below is an interesting song by Papa Roach. The lyrics speaking on more or less what I'm tryna say. Sometimes baby boy may blurt out "I love you" without even meaning to and then its down hill from there! Any who have a listen...
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Book review : About a boy by Nick Hornby
A while back I was walking in Nakuru town when I saw this book being sold by a hawker. I must admit that what attracted me to the book at first was Hugh Grants face on the cover. For a moment there I thought it was his biography or something. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized it was a book by writer Nick Hornby. His book 'How to be good was reviewed here. So I knew I had to get it.
As soon as I read the first few pages I was hooked. The story revolves around Will Freeman who is 36 unmarried play boy who lives a carefree lifestyle. He gets money off the royalties from a song a father had written years ago and doesn't have to work. He decides to join a Single Parents group for single mothers talking about an imaginary son (Ned) to pick up women until he meets young 12yr old nerdy boy named Marcus Brewer.
Will who considers himself a trendy person begins to help Marcus fit in with boys his age. He buys for him Addidas trainers, tells him to stop getting a hair cut from his mum and introduces him to music such as the band Nirvana. While Will acts like a teenager, Marcus is intelligent and acts more mature than a boy his age. Marcus discovers that Will does not have a son and things start becoming interesting at this point.
You gonna have to buy the book to see how it ends!
PS It turns out the book was adapted into a movie with Hugh Grant playing the part of Will (explains his picture on the cover) so if you are a not a fan of novels maybe you can get your hands on the movie.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
It's been a minute
I miss blogging. I really do. But ( there is always a but) time is so precious these days. I can hardly get a minute to myself. Anyway I managed to squeeze in a few minutes to create a blog post for a certain tweep who requested me so sweetly I couldnt turn him down. It took me almost a month of going into the cyber cafe every weekend typing a wee bit of the article and eventually came through. So as I try to come up with a new post go over to his website a read my last post => why-dont-you-love-me?
Thanks lovely people.
ta ta
Thanks lovely people.
ta ta
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Their eyes were watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
I was blog whoring a couple of days ago and I got a link to this book Their eyes were watching God You can download it and enjoy. Its not that long (200 and something pages is not that bad is it?) so those who hate reading long novels do not get your knickers in a And just so you know, Author Zadie Smith read the book when she was just a teenager. Read this interview and hear what she had to say about it.
No I wasn't paid to advertise!
I read it on my phone and I loved it. If you enjoyed Titanic and Romeo and Juliet then you're definitely going to love this book. It revolves around the character Janie who while still married to Logan Killicks is convinced by Jody starks to leave her man. However things don't pan out they way Janie expected.
Then a lovely young man called Tea cakes shows up in her life and Janie finally finds true love -that she has been looking for all her life- despite the fact that he is younger and he has no money.
A lil birdie told me that there is even a movie loosely based on the book where Halle Berry plays Janie and Michael Ealy is Tea Cakes.
Now if anybody has that movie hook a sista up!
Just like in the book Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison the characters have the funniest names. They include; Tea Cakes, Bootyny, leafy crawford,Motor Boat and Who flung. I just cant with these
Below are some juicy quotes from the book to give you a taste( I'm so bad!)
"They huddled closer and stared at the door. They just didn't use another part of their bodies, and they didn't look at anything but the door. The time was past for asking the white folks what to look for through that door. Six eyes were questioning God."
- Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Ch. 18A
Please God, please suh, don't let him love nobody else but me. Maybe Ah'm is uh fool, Lawd, lak dey say, but Lawd, Ah been so lonesome, and Ah been waitin', Jesus. Ah done waited uh long time.”
― Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
"Two things everybody's got tuh do fuh theyselves. They got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin' fuh theyselves.”
― Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
"Then you must tell 'em dat love ain't somethin' lak uh grindstone dat's de same thing everywhere and do de same thing tuh everything it touch. Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it's different with every shore.”
― Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
If that don't make you wanna read the whole book then I give up!
Quit running chile!
I have always been a runner. No not Kemboi-like. I mean like running from my problems. You see, I'm not really a fighter. If I see a war coming on, I run the other way. I just never see the point. That and because Im chicken shit plus I hate losing.That's why I don't answer trolls or engage with people who try to bully me on the different social networks I'm on.
The thing about running is that it never really solves anything. The same problems you are running away from are always there. So if and when you you do come back they will be still there waiting for you. They aint going nowhere. And if you keep running sooner or later you run out of places to hide or you get tired of running like I learnt the hard way this week.My BFF always tells me that when I run from my problems I only change my geographical location but nothing else. And I totally I agree with here.
Maybe the man or woman that you have is the one you are meant to have. Maybe the job you have now is the one you were meant to have for this season. Or the situation you are in, you are meant to go through and learn from it. Ever notice that if you don't confront a problems it keeps on coming back in many otyher avenues!
But now you keep jumping from one lover to another, or from one job to another and you are still not getting any satisfaction. Me thinks Providence is tryna tell you chile QUIT RUNNING ALREADY! Just keep still for a spell and listen to what your heart is trying to tell you.
If you only would just be patient for a little while and for once enjoy where you are; you will see the difference. Now relax and just for once in your life- like yours truly- quit running.
I leave you with one of my favourite songs by the rock band Daughtry from their album Leave this town. Enjoy!
Sunday, 23 February 2014
How to spy on your boo
Ladies we were put on this earth to put men in check. Left to their own devices they would only get into mischief. You don’t believe me? O.k who invented the aeroplane? Men (Wright brothers), Electricity? Thomas Edison. Who discovered the earth wasnt flat? Galileo. You see how men are always out there putting their lives in danger trying to discover stuff! That’s why I believe women on earth to yank men back to reality everytime their imagination wants to run away with them.
Today I’m gonna tell you how to spy on his
mischievous ass. Let you not be caught by surprise ati your man has been up to
no good. Ninjas are guilty until they are declared innocent. Hell all boys are
born guilty. I mean everybody knows that! As Tasha smith’s character in For
better or for worse- always says; Trust but
If your man is acting all hinky then you
definitely know something is up. Whether he is cheating, abusing drugs and
alcohol, into porn etc. I got you. I’m
gonna tell you how to call his bluff! Don’t buy that I’m-reading-porn-magazines-for-the-articles
or I’m drinking as a sociological experiment. Or he is keeping the heroin for a
friend. Yeah right! That mess is for the birds.
Here we go...
In the book Love in the time of cholera one woman found out his man was
cheating when doing his laundry and found his clothes smelling different. Now
ladies you gotta look out for any foreign smell. I’m sorry ladies for those who
have poor sense of smell. Sometimes side hoes usually want to be relevant and
the only way to do this is to leave souvenirs with the philandering dude. Check
the car, his pockets for any unusual things like say hotel receipts.
If you can trace their shirts, socks, ties,watches
etc that you bought him... Houston we have a problem. Like in the movie
Unfaithful when a cheater was caught after a lover found a gift he bought for his wife in the
new lover interest’s house. Worry when he comes home with new stuff regularly.
gotta be OCD sista girl
In the TV series necessary Roughness some dude was caught cheating because he had
sex with a woman in their house and he didn’t make the bed the way his wife
makes it. So ladies if you suspect that your man is bringing his hoe around the
house look out for things out of place.
camera is your friend
My neighbour always leaves her webcam on
when she goes to work. It helped her find out when someone got into the house
and stole stuff. If it can help her then it can damn well help you catch dufus up
to no good. So if you have a computer, you know what to do.
hiding places
If your man maybe conscious that you are
onto to him and he may start to hide stuff like cigarette, alcohol etc so that you
do not find out what is up. Now guys like hiding stuff in the medicine cabinet, brief
case, deep freezer (don’t ask) sock drawers, shoe box, closet, study table and
coat pockets. You may want to check them out.
In the movie diary of a mad black woman the lady discovers his man is having an
affair when she makes a surprise visit to his office. If you suspect something
is up make a surprise visit to his place of work and pretend you want to buy
him lunch. If possible always attend their office parties and make friends with
the ladies because they will give you a heads up. And if you are unable to have
a rapport with his female work mates, don’t worry. If there is a lady there he
has his sights on you will notice it in his body language.
Check the vehicle
If you suspect he has been driving around
the night to smoke, drink or do whatever then the car is your best friend. You
can check the car track system and if your car is "tired" just touch the bonnet
if its warm then you know baby boy had left the house.
the big mouth friends
Some how in every circle of friends there
is always that friend who will spill the legumes. In Scandal Mrs. Grant was able to know
that his man was up to no good by interrogating the body guards. I’m pretty sure
one of your husbands friends can be made to sing like a canary. You just need to get some leverage.
If you are worried that he is checking out
sites where he shouldn’t or chatting up some sexy lass online then track his
internet history. For those of you who are brave you can create a new profile
and add him as friend and check his updates on line (horrible I know, whoever
said spying was easy).You can also check his documents and downloaded items for
any unusual activities. The funny thing is that most men will delete shit from
their computers but forget to delete them permanently from the recycle bin. I
have checked out a couple of my male pals recycle bin and they got me lolling
all day. And make sure to check out his folders with funny sounding names.
Look out for strange receipts in the house,
car, briefcase, dresser, wallet etc. If you share an account check his bank
statements and credit card expenditure for any unusual purchases. By unusual
expenditure could include hotel receipts, jewellery, dinners.
best thing since sliced bread
This lady was telling me yesterday how her
man lied that he was in Nairobi yet there was this chicken which kept on
croaking in the background. That’s when he confessed that he was somewhere else
and not in Nairobi. So when you call your man and he is lying about where he is
just listen to the background. If you hear, “glasses clucking and loud music
you will know he is down at the club up to no good.
There are these phones which you can record phone call conversations so if your man has one then yippee. Some phones are also made in a way that if you look at delivery messages they show part of messages which have been sent hence you will able to know the kind of info your man is sending out there. Ladies always have this habit of checking inboxes. Thats bull, you do not really have control over what people send you(those of you on whatsappwill testify to this). Now what you should worry about is what is in the outbox.
Call Tyrone
If all fails I cant help you just call Shiko
Muiruri already! But first before I teach you this stuff which I’m sure breaks
a couple of laws, I must tell you something. Snooping on your lover is only for
those who want out of the relationship and need proof of bad behaviour. If you
have no intention of leaving your lover there is no point because it will make
things worse for you. He will lose trust in you and worse get better at hiding
his indiscretions. Like Sherlock told Watson in Elementary- once you start this business of snooping, its hard to stop.
And men whatever happens when caught pants
down always deny everything at least until them polaroids surface and even then
make sure toclaim they have been digitally enhanced- you know with the photo shop
and all. And no! In this case the truth will not set you free. The truth only sets the other person free- free to leave your lying ass! Don’t believe
that bull. Denial aint just a river in Egypt honey!
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