Friday 30 March 2012

On getting preggers!

So now that am talking about kids and all I gotta ask…how do people get preggers????
I know it’s the fusion of the female gamete and the male gamete but when you read the medical journals it sounds almost impossible. Ok check this out…

Every month a mature ovum is released from either one of the woman’s two ovaries

(am guessing they toss a By the way did you know that the ovum is the largest cell in the human body that is visible to the naked eye? Suck on that men…not like suck on that...but you get what I mean)

So the egg moves to the fallopian tube where it is viable for about 72 hrs but capable of being fertilized for only about 12-24 hrs.

Now the good ol sperms can stay upto 5-7 days after coitus but is only capable of fertilizing the ovum for only 48-72 hrs

Wait…it gets better…

It takes 6-12 hrs for sperms to swim to the tubes (lazy ass sperms smh). Now not all the lazy ass sperms can swim only 1% of them make it to the “promised land”. So how comes only 1% makes it to the tube? Well am glad you asked…

-Some die at the entrance of the vajajay
-some get entangled by the cervical mucous and die
-some die immediately after entering the cervix
-some overzealous ones miss the target and tumble out of the opening of the tubes

Now you must admit getting preggers sound pretty hard donnit? So if my calculations are correct you got like 2-5 days in a month (woman’s cycle) to get pregnant right? So how the hell are people having unwanted pregnancy all over the place? Like those people who have like 15 kids- what’s up with that? Unless they be doing it like they do it in the discovery channel...tihihihi!

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