Saturday 17 September 2011

my sojourn in Eldama Ravine town

So me and good old mother have this mother-daughter feud going on. I decided to run away from home last month.

Yes am chicken shit and I always run away from my problems. Its much easier than arguing.

I did it in such a haste that I forgot to carry a couple of very essential things. so anyone planning on running away from home make sure you carry everything you need.

Instead of carrying my comfy bra I carried my “wonder bra” which always lifts and separates my charm and wit

yes that’s what I call my bossoms

but are uncomfortable af.

I don’t know why they call them wonder bras as they are not so wonderful. For one month I walked around with no bra.

It was very liberating

I forgot to carry my shaving cream too and there was no way in hell i was going to buy another one. I might as well let hair grow where it wants to. My dear creator has a reason for creating me this way. I was born this way hihihi...I will shave though...just not today.LOL.

Then it was that time of the month and there was no shop stocking tampons. The first day I had to settle for some weird sanitary towels that made this funny crackling noise when I walked. The under wear that I wore wasn’t helping either but
I wont describe it as I have already said too much. To cut the story short a good pal of mine sent someone to get me some from Nakuru. God bless her heart.

Anyways I had a good time with my bff, hot pancakes in the morning made with eggs from kuku kienyeji which gave them a yellowish colour. She is one of the best cooks i have ever met. Warm milk every night before i went to bed, made me feel so good.

Her son was also awesome with his lisp and unable to pronounce the letter "R".I especially looked forward to every meal just to hear him pray "Mungu bayiki chakula chetu.amen". Now i know why God loves children, they are so cute and loving. I remember giving him a lollipop and he was like "aunty i love you".

I swear i had this warm and fuzzy feeling in my belly it wasnt gas!

She taught me a few marriage secrets which she made me promise not to tell a soul so I intend to take them to the grave with me. She so sweet I swear if she wasn’t married I would taste the rainbow with her...jk.

I also saw this strange cow

I don’t know if the owner has ever heard of dehorning

I ate in one of the local hotels

what!Am unemployed with no savings am living within my means like my mama taught me

Now tell me when was the last time any of you saw this machine?

I ate morik/odeyo/mokoro..i don’t know the English name for this…Someone please translate… it actually tasted awesome!

I missed blogging and there were no computers so I had to settle for this LOL.

There was this construction worker next door who had the hots for me so whenever I was "lighting up the jiko" I made sure I bent low enough to give him a lovely view.

It was nice being someone fantasy for two seconds I don’t know what celebrities always whine about.

So I was going through my pals movie collection and I came a cross a movie I had given her a long time ago “leaves of grass”.The funny thing i couldnt remember giving it to her, even though my name was scribbled on it.

The characters said something about it being dumb to fight with your mother blah blah blah.. made me feel kinda stupid.I had some kind of epiphany too but i will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Not to worry people I’ve stopped being an ass, kissed and made up with mama and am home right now. the sky has not fallen...yet.LOL.

Im exhausted...ill go sleep now, ta ta.

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