Sunday 18 September 2011

leaves of grass

There comes a time in your life when you watch a movie that speaks directly to your situation and makes you change your way of thinking. For me that movie was ‘leaves of grass’. I'm one of those people who watch movies purely for entertainment but this movie right here really impressed me

And no... I wasn’t paid to advertise.

It didn’t hurt that Susan Saradon was there (I love her) though she wasn’t featured as much as I would have loved.

Keri Russell...remember her in the series 'FELICITY' that we used to watch in college? yep she's there.

One of the characters mentioned something about it being stupid not getting along with your mother and inspired me to come back home. The writer explores sibling rivalry and the complex mother-child relationship.

Made me feel like our family isn’t as dysfunctional as I thought. lol

There was a bit of country music used as sound track through out the movie!

...i got kicked out of Noah’s ark…there was two of everything and only one of me… tra la la la...

Great lyrics right there. I was never a great country music fan until that season of Bachelorrette on telly where this contestant I think her name was Trista wanted Brad Paisely to sing in her wedding and I was hooked.

Brad Paisely is easy on the eye a lil birdie told me hes done a duet with Carrie Underwood who is also brilliant.I cant wait to listen to it.

The writer explores Religion with a lot of attention to the Jews. Talk of how the Jews became good with money because Christians wouldn’t touch it...interesting!

The little history about Jews was pretty eye opening and i plan on educating my ignorant behind about their very not so rosy struggles.There is a part where someone goes into a fight with a menorah...creepy!

They mock Christians kidogo characters says “we are a Christian state but we go old testament when it comes to murder".

I started thinking about our laws but stopped because at this point my head was beginning to before I forget there's a character who tries to explain God or higher power as some of you call it...beautiful!

There is also an argument about Poetry whether we should follow rules or make up our own rules as we go along.I agree with the girl of course.When she recited a few lines of a poem she gave me the goosies (read goose pumps).

She also caught a fish with her bare hands, made me feel empowered especially coming from the lakeside and all.I think I’ll add it to my to do list this year, but ill start small though...maybe omena and work my way up to catfish.I swear when I squint kidogo I could see and 'S' on her chest.

The best part was when some guy was describing grass(marijuana)

…natures delivery system for goodness…it glides into your belly and blooms into a feeling of peace in a world beset by evil...

Made me wanna go out and get some marijuana.

Ive never lost my marijuinity though. Ive tried miraa(which tastes like feet and dries your mouth) and sniffed a little tobacco while in Maralal but I got typhoid and tongue lashing from good old mama.

...see why I left home…?

The protagonist mentions some philosophers thoughts on death: its irrational to fear an event that occurs when we are not in existence...

...when death is, we are not- pretty interesting innit?

I bet he wouldn’t have said the same thing if he witnessed the Sinai accident in Kenya... So horrible!

one character asked how one can be so brilliant and so monumentally ignorant at the same this point I felt even more naked...good thing no one was around to see me blush in

..and at the beginning we are showed how to katia a professor and get those good grades…or not.tihihi

I also loved the fact that Edward Norton played two character roles like Tyler Perry did in his movie 'the diary of a mad black woman'

Yes I love Tyler Perry ,sue me.

Anyway the twist at the end of the movie will blow your least it did mine.i just hope I haven’t ruined it for any of you.

watch it...if its not for you then for me..pretty please?

And when we meet please say you love it even if you didn’t, it will really mean a lot to me.thank you

p.s. keep your eye on the crossbow…its important!

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