Wednesday 2 May 2012

Anger is good

The first time I knew just how damaging anger was here. For a long time after that I thought that expressing anger was wrong. I developed this tendency of suppressing any feeling of annoyance that I felt. When people touch my stuff I just smile and say “it’s OK” while in my mind am just trying to think how I could make their death look like an accident. If someone said any thing derogative about another person in my presence, I just kept quiet then later apologized on that person’s behalf to make myself look good. Well it soon got old. 

As I always say even very good actors forget their lines sometimes. Trouble is I began to implode and suffer in silence. I begin to be irritable and impatient with everyone. I was madder at myself because I didn’t have the marbles to stand up for myself or anything I thought was inappropriate. God forbid people should think Am not a “team player” or am too b*itchy.

Anger is good. It is a defense mechanism that motivates you and stops you from being walked all over by others. It motivates others to listen to you, if the strikes/mass actions we have witnessed this year is anything to go by. Through anger we get to stop injustices done to us and to those we love as seen by how the freedom fighters fought hard to liberate our countries and thanks to them we now enjoy a lot of luxuries which they didn’t get to enjoy. It’s anger which has led to very many causes and organizations being started all over the world; by people who couldn’t stand sitting down. The invisible children, the stop slavery campaign, the M.A.W.E, the Ungwana campaign, Kenyans for Kenyans, F.I.D.A… all begun because somebody was pissed enough to say something has got to change. 

In the next post shows the video of one Antoine having an anger outburst after someone tried to rape his sister and that went on to change his life forever. We also remember Mr. Bonoko who got pissed when the police shot his friend just because they suspected he was armed. His life changed so much that when I saw him on Chaguo La Teeniez awards I couldn't believe he was the same guy who was being interviewed in the ghetto years back.

So instead of keeping quiet or trying to defend or attack when in anger, look at how you can make a change and see how better you sleep at night. Don’t let your anger hurt people or run your life but seek to do the right thing even if it makes you unpopular. You know what they say “there is no softer pillow than lying with a clear conscience” or something close to

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