Saturday 17 March 2012


Apart from my retina-hurting computer screen, life has been kind to me for some time now. If you don’t count yesterday when I went to get my hair permed and wanted to know why my hair goes back to afro even less than a week after the perm and the lady tells me I sweat too much! When I asked her what I can do to make my hair stay straight longer, she tells me I can’t since that’s how I was created. It’s not so much what she said but how she said it, like God made a mistake for making me a heavy-sweater (is this English?).

Come to think of it I have been having a lot of night sweats and Dr.Google reckons am suffering from menopause. A lil birdie told me that menopause comes as early these days and I need to double my effort at getting me a baby daddy or maybe even freeze my eggs seeing as am quickly approaching thirty. My birthday is 19th May (hint) so I have like two and a half months to do that, thank God for reminders on my

So anyways the results for 2011 K.C.S.E results were announced and of course the best school was from Nyanza just as I had predicted( ok I didn’t but I want to ride on their thunder). The students and teachers from Maranda High School were so excited that they ran out of the school compound into town to celebrate and there was no one to interview when reporters were sent to their compound for a story.

My girls are making endless jokes about how us people from Nyanza have weird ways of celebrating. Yes we are people! I will be the first to admit, we celebrate anything that makes us the talk of town. It’s only in Nyanza baby...only in Nyanza…! Imagine what will happen when Agwambo becomes president, life as you know it in Kenya will come to a stand still. First there will be a fish shortage in all meat shops, all taxi’s owned by luos will not be open for business...heck even Nairobi stock Exchange will stop its operation. We will be carrying Agwambo at weird angles on our shoulders as he tours the whole country to let everyone know what is up!

Sadly my old high school Bahati Girls was nowhere to be seen anywhere in top ten..sob..sob… But it’s all good, maybe next time. The funny thing I have encountered living in Nairobi is that the high school you went to means a lot to guys. People actually brag about the high school they went to when you meet like in social places. If only I knew all the nicknames they have for all the schools, I have heard of patch, changes…sigh, think im getting too old. And apparently if you went to a school like Alliance or Starehe they actually expect you to have gotten an A in all your grades. Oh, discrimination never ends, its just changing its face and becoming even more ridiculous.

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