Saturday 22 October 2011

A guide to successful sulking

One day this guy went to the office with new clothes. The next day he came with new clothes again, like he had worn them straight from the store. On the third day his friends got curious. After his friends prodded him they discovered that he went home late on Sunday and the wife refused to open the door and told him to go back to wherever he had come from.

The dude check him self into a hotel and started going to and from work from there.This continued for a week until the wife got scared and went to pick him from the hotel. This dude is my hero. Now that's what i call successful sulking!

I don't like sulking but some people have this habit of bringing out the worst in you and you resort to sulking to avoid getting pissed further. The more you talk the more they bull shit you. Silence then becomes the best weapon. Like this dude for instance, being chased away from a house which is paying morgage. The door that he bought is locked and the wife even didnt have the decency to hear the reason for his lateness.

Personally if somebody sulks for me(akinifuria) i give it back to them twice the time they took to sulk...sorta like my own secret justice(yeah i know am shallow.sue me)

I watched a movie a few years back and this dudes story reminded me of it. I cant remember well but i think the movie was 'my five girlfriends'. The movie gave the rules for sulking and ive decided to share them with you, enjoy!

1. the sulk must be sparked by some wrong doing, the more trivial the better.

2. the punishment inflicted by the sulk must be disproportionately large in relation to the original offense.

3. beware of making the sulk too short and therefore not allowing sufficient guilt to build up in the sulked.

4. the sulk should never be about the incident that sparked it

5. the sulk should be gauged a success if and only if, the sulker has to be talked out of the sulk by the sulked.

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