Monday 10 October 2011

the green fairy

I was just reading some random stuff when I came across this word Absinth and I became curious and decided to look it up. The stuff that came up with literally blew my mind. I can’t believe my friends who know about the absinth have kept the information to their selves. But being the good girl that I am with my big heart like a water melon I decided not to keep the information t myself but to share.

Absinthe is an alcoholic drink originally from Switzerland. It cant be classified as liquor because its not bottled with added sugar in it, so its classified as a spirit.The only difference with it from other spirits is that it has a very high alcoholic content, green in colour and has to be diluted by water before consuming. It is derived from the Artemisia abinthum commonly referred to as Grande worm wood plant and a range of other herbs like: fennel, anise, mellisa ,hyssop.It gets its green colour from the chlorophyll released from the herbs.

This drink according to absinthe drinkers (also known as absintheurs) is nasty and has to be ingested within the first ten minutes in the glass because the longer it sits the nastier it gets. It can also eat through plastic storage so should be kept preferably in air tight glass container. Its also highly flammable so should be kept away from fire. (If a truck carrying the absinthe drink overturns you cannot siphon). Ok I take that back that’s a mean joke.

Initially this drink was considered as an addictive psychoactive drug and was banned in many countries in the 19th century until the early 1990s when its revival begun. This is because the people taking it suffered from hallucinations and psychotic attacks afterwards. Despite this drink being vilified many continue to partake it .From writers (Ernest Hemmingway, Oscar wilde, Mark Twain), artists(Pablo Picasso, Vincent van gogh), intellectuals, poets etc. Rumour has it that van gogh cut off his ear while under the influence of this drink. Currently its only legal n Frances, Switzerland, France, San,Czech republic(the former Czech resident Vaclav havel was a fan)In America it was illegal but if you made some for your personal use no one cared???? I don’t know if its still illegal now though.

I Was pleasantly surprised to find that there are absinthe enthusiast all over the world including celebrities like: Eminem(and why am i not surprised), Tommy Lee, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp.

Absinthe contains a chemical thujone has been blamed for the hallucinogenic property which explains why van gogh cut off his ears and made Eminem rent a whole hotel after he was denied the chance to consume large amounts of this drink. This thujone when taken in large quantities is said to cause psychotic attacks, sleeplessness, night with vivid dreams(huh?),renal failure and sometimes convulsions likened to epilepsy.

To reduce its side effects the levels of thujone has been limited to 10mg according to the regulations of E.U. Although it’s a controversial drink it has a good side to it too.. The thujone in small quantities excites the brain cells and helps the creative juices flow, explains why many artists, painters ,writers liked it so much.e.g van goghs works are in ochres and green which is said to have gotten inspiration from the plant. Pablo picasso too has a painting depicting the absinth drink…and a few other writers are said to have mentioned the drink in their works.

Currently there are even songs titled absinthe praising the drink. And oh it also an aphrodisiac; increases sexual desire (now you see the connection between your mind and your loins??). I now know what I want for valentine’s

Although this drink sounds like a dangerous drink I would be lying if I didn't say I want me some. So if any body has some please call me at 0724…come on you didn’t really think I was gonna give you my number now did you.

Any ways I leave you with a few quotes describing the drink enjoy(the quotes i.e.)

…it makes a ferocious beast of man, a martyr of woman and a degenerate of the infant…

…it may be nasty, but you’ll find that the more you drink the less you care.

Ernest Hemingway “After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were, after the second you see things as they are not…finally you see things as they really are and that is the most horrible thing in the world.

Oscar Wilde “The first stage is like ordinary drinking, the second when you begin to see monstrous and cruel things, but if you persevere you will enter upon the third stage where you see things that you want to see”

Johnny Depp “I hated cocaine but I used to like absinthe, which is like marijuana; drink too much and you suddenly realize why van gogh cut off his ear.

…romanticized by many, damned by few…

...absinthe makes the heart grow founder...

p.s. for those who hate reading you can look it up in youtube on how its made

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