Friday 15 June 2012

Drink my PISS? I think I will PASS!

If you are eating... stop reading...if you haven't eaten, go eat first... trust me, its for your own good!

I have always known that urine is used to reduce the sting of jellyfish. During the struggle for independence in Kenya, the freedom fighters, I am told, used their urine to clean their wounds while hiding in the forest as there were no doctors around. In dry areas where water is scarce, people usually drink their urine too just to stay alive. These are the only occasions when I understand (not condone) why people “harvest” and ingest their urine. It's fighting for survival. Its either you use the piss or suffer from excruciating pain. Its a no brainer really.

But now my friend tells me that ingesting my own urine actually has health benefits. He even has a fancy name for it- Urine Therapy. According to the genius it cures a myriad of diseases such as colitis, amoebic dysentery, hepatitis etc as well as boosting my immunity. 

All these diseases? wow- sounds too good to be true huh? 

But i wasn't buying it. 

When he noticed that I wasn’t convinced, he offered to drink his in front of me as proof. He actually wanted to harvest it as I watch to make me a believer. Just when you think you have seen it all...

This is why; I think I really need to change friends already.

Just the thought of taking a swig of my own piss makes me retch. Blegh! It’s my body reject for crying out loud. If it were important; my body would have absorbed it already. What are you going to ask me to do next? Eat my doodie?

So I decided to ask doctor Google and the revelations that I came about are simply beggars belief. Urine therapy adherents argue that Urine is not waste but rather a by product of blood filtration. Apparently all the body rejects and toxins go out via solid waste. Therefore urine is water mixed with minerals, antibodies, hormones, nutrients and urea making it useful to ingest back into the body.

I think you may want to grab a seat for this one. Not only are people drinking it but they smear it on their skin to alleviate skin problems such as acne, calluses, athletes’ foot, eczema. 

Me, walk around reeking of urine, Ughhhh!

There are even special instructions for taking this elixir of life. It should be preferably “harvested” in the morning. The best sample should be mid stream urine i.e. you let a few drops to flow then place your harvester mid-stream. And... oh! don’t forget to wash your hoo haa first. I mean we don’t want our “drink” to be funky, do we now?

Now for the skin, it has to be rich in ammonia hence the need to use old urine. You harvest it and let it marinate for 3-4 days. You can then apply generously to the affected area, spray or if you like mix it with your favourite body lotion, aftershave, hairspray, moisturizer or cream. But please, try to introduce this elixir of youth gradually to your body. Like say diluting it with water to reduce the concentration. You know too much of a new good thing can’t be good for you now!

The drinking of urine has spread so much that more and more people are doing it all over the world; from India, Mexico, America, China, France and yes even Kenya.

(next time you go to someone’s house look out for that bedpan in

 I was even more appalled to find out that there are even celebrities who actually swear by it. What broke my heart was when I found out that my one of my favourite writers, J.D. Salinger who wrote ‘the catcher in the rye’ also believed in the potency of drinking urine. 

Oh the humanity *places the back of right hand on the forehead*

Just when I was reeling from this new bit of information, I find out that there are people who are going around misquoting bible to convince people to imbibe their piss.smh! Now that’s just wrong!

"Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well." – Proverbs 5:15

“...out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water”. - John 7:38

I’m guessing they haven’t read the dire consequences that will face anyone who dares to add or subtract anything from the already written word of God in the book of Revelations.

We have other Urine therapy enthusiast blogging about it with great titles like

- Urine, nature’s elixir
- The wonders of urine therapy
- Natural remedy
- Healing urine therapy

... and many other euphemisms to make it less vile. One even confessed to having worked his way up to drinking SIX CUPS??? WOW!

When they add the fact that it anti-aging and anti-obesity, you know some women will definitely get on board. I seriously don’t get why people don’t want to embrace aging. We all going to get old and die at some point, why fight the inevitable? I mean it’s not like taking copious amounts of urine is going to bring back your youth or make you live forever. It won’t stop you from being hit by a truck or chocking on your food, if you get my drift.

When you use great marketing language, you can make people do almost anything, I tell you!

When I peeked at some chat rooms, I was even amused at the new recruits asking questions such as

 “how much should i take”
 “What is the dose?”
“Can I drink it while pregnant?”
“Can it help my erectile dysfunction?”(woiye)
“Should I give infants?”
“Can it help falling or thinning hair?”
“I’m HIV positive, can I drink mine?”(woiye)
“Can I take them while on drugs? “

Like they are actually considering it. I’m sorry but I really don’t get it, I really don’t. Forget even the taste. Its the process of "harvesting" is the one which gives me even more grief. I remember a few days ago I was at the hospital where I was asked to give a urine sample. You would think they would give me a potty sized cup but nooo...its a tiny cup which am expected to carry the liquid. It didn't help that I was on my periods-  I dont need to tell you how the whole fiasco ended.

Who knows, soon we will be having bed pans in the kitchen. Dropping ice cubes in the urine. Taking it shaken not stirred. Having urine cocktail, you know adding some chocolate or strawberry to it. Just talking about it makes me want to heave...

I think I will stick to the succulent fruits and vegetables plus my mineral water as a source of fluid in my system. Urine is just too much for my palate. I think I will pass on urine *the pun so intended*

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