Sunday 30 October 2011

you are not ready to have sex if...

before i hit the sack and be one with the cousin of death, i want to leave you with some truth. Most of my blogs are normally shallow and entertaining. I thought maybe today, i should switch it up a lil bit, and give you some information that might actually be useful to some of you(read not all of you).

You are not ready to have sex if

1. If its not your idea, you are being pressurized.

2. If you don't have the courage to buy a pack of condoms at the chemist
(drug store for some of you)

3. If you are asking yourself whether you should, or shouldn't(have doubts)

4. If you still giggle or are uncomfortable around the word do you
know this? If every time a sex scene comes on kwa hizi ma soaps you

5. If you think sex is dirty and you have stupid ass rules like no sex on Sunday.smh
If you still call vagina lame names like pink cadillac, cat,
mesopotamia- wait only i do that!Forget it. If you still call the penis
retarded names like joystick,schlong, chuchu- darn it!only i do that...okay
move to point six already!

6. If you don't have a personal gyno and cant afford it(sex ain't cheap)

7. If both you and your partner are unemployed(sex is expensive)

8. If you don't feel safe with your significant other and don't know
their Hiv status.

9. If you still live in your mamas house and she pays the rent.

10.If you don't love the person you are with(applies to women mostly)

kwa hayo machache, good night!

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