Saturday 2 June 2012

Awesome bloggers

They say a wise many changes his mind, a fool almost never does. Well today I want to recant what I had said about loving many things at the same time. I have read a couple of blogs and I think I have fallen in like with many of them. A little birdie told me that if I ever hope to grow from being a neophyte writer, I MUST read other writers work. Some article I read also said that I should probably read more than I write. Out of all the advice I have received on writing, this advice has been the best and worst at the same time, bittersweet if you will. For one I have read awesome articles that have not only entertained me but I have been edified. Now the trouble is that some of them are so good that I feel like am light years away from getting there (whatever there is)

In the movie ‘Midnight in Paris’ starring Owen Wilson, one character said that if you have a writer critique your writing there is no winning: if it’s bad they will hate it because they will see it as a travesty of the writing art. If it is good, they will be annoyed because they didn’t think of it first. I always look at the bright side of everything, ergo if am criticized I say they are just jealous, if am complemented then hallelujah! I’m doing something right. It’s called self preservation people; we should all try it sometime.

Well I know it has been done so many times by other bloggers and am a few years late, but today I present to you bloggers who I love. I love the trolls who go to the comment section to just barb and play the devils advocate with other followers. The other sensitive folk who take the bait are also hilarious to read; especially those who don’t know how to tell when someone is being sarcastic. Without further ado ladies and gentlemen, mums and dads, gays and bis, kids and pets... I present you the awesome bloggers in no particular order.

First read his article on some magazine as I had mentioned in a previous post. He posts every Monday religiously to a point that if he doesn’t the loyal readers demand to know why. He is brutally honest and can make even the most boring topic like football that I care nothing for seem fun and exciting. One of the best Kenyan writers I know and definitely worth checking out.

From her blog I have inferred that she is an African American with Ghanaian roots. The link to her blog was provided via face book and I have been reading her work ever since. She is hilarious as she speaks about love, marriage, motherhood, politics, education etc and is in touch with current affairs issues in the world. I love how she is able to present human interest stories in an amusing way but still deliver the message. Personally I think she is a cool mum and she makes motherhood seem fun even when she is describing all the gory details of her life. She makes even the most mundane of activities seem so exciting and adventurous. If I become a mum I hope am half as fun as she sounds.

Got her blog from bikozulu’s blog and fell in like with her writing. She is unique; I don’t think I have ever read anything close to her style of writing. She is funny as hell and her words are so beautiful like you won’t believe. She is wise beyond her age, very observant and beautiful to boot. She knows how to express herself and the arguments she puts forth making her such a delight to read.

I love this blog for the fact that the writer educates people on the common language mistakes we make daily (grammar Nazi is such a bad word). I stumble upon it while stalking someone on fb and loved it. It makes me want to go back and get a refund from my college. The way I abuse the English language... there should be a law against it. However he doesn’t hide his displeasure for people who abuse grammar and makes sure to be brutally honest when administering the correction.

5. Ian
I saw his name on the above blog but I didn’t check it out immediately until he made a guest appearance on the Kenyan soap ‘Mali’ that I got curious and went back to check it out. It’s nice to put a face to a blog. He talks about his everyday life and seems to be pinning after his estranged lover named Doris who I’m guessing inspired the blog title. In every post he always starts by asking how she is fairing and discusses their embattled relationship. I haven’t read much but the little that I have read, I likey. I wonder whether there is a post where Doris actually replies. Oh well!

Got a link to his blogs on @blogs_kenya and have been reading it ever since. The thing I admire most about this writer is that he is unashamedly Christian. He makes no apologies for believing in God which is a rare thing these days where everybody wants to be always PC. While Christians like me straddle the fence so as to not offend anybody (read atheists) he goes cold turkey on us. He tells it as it is and how it is supposed to be and how it will be if certain variables change or remain the same. In the words of one famous writer, “I never knew so young a body with so old a head.” You actually have to be well read and intelligent to get some of the themes in his work.

This blog was provided as a link on twitter I don’t remember by who though. The writer is funny and sort of reminds me of poet Pablo Neruda especially when he describes beautiful women. He also writes about law stuff which half the time I don’t really understand but I love nonetheless. He is very interesting to read and definitely worth checking out too.

8. Sammy
For those who hate reading my long verbose posts will definitely love his blog as they are mostly short and funny as hell. He writes interesting topics and goes straight to the point. He is very funny and thinks about the weirdest of things. Although he rarely blogs, I still check him out to see if there are any updates.

Love how she tackles issues in her blog. She is very intelligent and interesting to read and is always up to date with the current affairs. She chronicles her life as a single mother and all the things that are close to her heart. She also provides readers with links to other interesting articles that are worth checking out which makes her fun to follow.

I don’t know much about photography but this blogger has me interested. Love how he tells stories with his pictures and connects with his audience. He has quite a following and like Untonyto he doesn’t hide the fact that he is Christian. I see people on fb using his photos all the time which means he is doing something right.

I promise to list the other ten that I like soon. For now check them out and be edified. You are welcome!


  1. Too too honored to have earned a mention here. I actually feel like hiding (See, I'm shy). Your perspective makes me wonder: I never thought my PR is that uncompromising! That's the kind of constructive feedback someone can use! BIIIG thank you, Jaber3000.

  2. don't thank me yet. you may need to get a restraining order coz i be stalking your blog all day.By the way you lay down information on your blog, you do not come off as a shy person1but good work, i enjoy it kabisa!when are you going to write a book????

    1. Never considered it, but you make me wonder... could I?

  3. You have never considered it??? Well me thinks you should, you have a loyal fan, save me the first autographed
